Rewrite The Stars (Beetho)

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I wrote a songfic!

A Beetho songfic!

To a sad song!

I have no regrets!

I recommend listening to the song as the characters are singing it, it adds to the effect SO MUCH RAAAA-

Warnings are homophobia and crying/breakdowns.

Setting is Highschool AU

WC: ~1390


Beef smiled as he walked the halls of his school. A year and a half here had given these halls a familiarity that was oddly comforting. The way the corridors turned. The memories practically pasted on the walls. The thought of the feeling of his fingers tracing the brick for the first time. It was all familiar to him. Beef approached a billboard that was hung near the entrance. It had papers posted on it advertising clubs, school events, and various reminders.

Beef's eyes skimmed the board, looking for anything or interest. And then...

Musical Talent Show

Come one, come all, to Mindcrack Highschool's first annual 'Musical Talent Show'!

What is this?

Speeding through the rest of the flyer, Beef discovered that it was an event to show off one's musical talent. Obviously. 

An idea formed in Beef's head the more he read. Possibilities spun in his head like spiderwebs, stopping any and every other thought. 

I'm so participating in this, he told himself with a grin. But not alone. 

"This is a terrible idea," Etho told him with a sigh. Beef rolled his eyes.

"Not really," he remarked. "You can sing. I know you can, I've heard you! And so can I." 

"Duets are fun, and we've done them before," Etho agreed. "But this song? Why this one?" 

"Representation," Beef explained. "You can see it too." 

"But... well... I'm not-" Etho stuttered.

"I know," Beef smiled. "But still. It's just about the image. Acting!" 

"Fine," Etho mumbled. "Only because it's a real problem."

Beef's grin was worth it. 

"Hello everyone!" Beef's voice boomed out over the auditorium. There were some cheers and yelled words from the audience. He gave a quick introduction, then stepped back from the mic. He slipped down the smaller, but still powerful, microphone that was a headpiece, extending near his mouth to enhance his voice. Etho also wore one, so that they'd be able to be heard. 

The two took their positions, and right before the music started, Beef mouthed a quick 'Have fun with it' to Etho, who nodded.

The lights dimmed slightly, and the show started.

"You know I want you," Beef sang the words, his voice crisp and clear. "It's not a secret I try to hide." 

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