||COLLAB WITH SAPH|| But It's Not A Date (Tangdaph)

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Okay!! This is another collab with CloudWriterGrey ! Woo!!

So, if you happened to mosey over to their profile first, then this oneshot is nothing new, as we wrote one big tangdaph thing and then just posted it on both our accounts. two updates with half the content! /j

No warnings, I think!

WC: ~2,800


"So, what kind of murderification devices are you storing here?" Tango's sparkling voice startled Zedaph out of his sorting.

The Netherborn had come up behind him while he was sorting his "Hall of All". The room held chest after chest, along with a handful of barrels, each slot in every storage box reserved for a certain item. Zed turned around to face him, a bright smile on his face.

"No murderification in this one, Tango!" came the cheerful response. "I'm collecting every item and block this server has to offer!"

"What, like an old man's stamp collection?" Tango snickered, drawing a laugh from Zed.

"Pretty much, yeah," he joked. Tango joined him on the stone floor, sitting just close enough for Zedaph to notice.

"Can I see?" he asked, tipping his head at the chest. His blonde hair shifted with the movement, and Zedaph had to tear his gaze away from the curls to meet Tango's warm red gaze.

"Be my guest, my friend!" he hummed. Tango grinned and spent a good amount of time there with Zedaph, filling the small room with light conversation and laughter. It was a little too corny to admit, but it was things like these that made Tango's company that much more enjoyable.

And it wasn't that Zedaph found him attractive or handsome or cute, not at all. It was just that he was trying to pay attention to the things Tango was saying.

And it was, in fact, because they were such good friends, that Zedaph felt a little pang of sadness when Tango told him he had to go work on his own base.

And yes, his heart had maybe been thudding in his chest a little as he stared at the Nether portal for an extra second, but that probably had some sort of other, perfectly logical explanation behind it.

That was all.

Zedaph groaned and buried his face in his hands.

Maybe if I get myself a Disney soundtrack, he thought dryly. Things will start falling into place.

Unsurprisingly, no convenient birds chose to start singing.

Elsewhere in the Hermitcraft server, Tango had almost walked straight into lava.

Distracted by his wandering mind as he made his way back to his own base, it had certainly been a wakeup call.

There was a part of him he almost didn't want to acknowledge, that urged him to turn right around and head back to Zedaph's place. He knew it was unrealistic, he had things to do and wouldn't let some silly crush distract him.

Even if that silly crush had already been distracting him for the past several months.

Tango was just about to walk himself straight into lava a second time, when he stopped himself in his tracks.

Yeah, he thought, I need to do something about this.

Veering off his previous path, Tango instead headed for the portal to Impulse's base. Though he needed to do something, there wasn't much he could do. Though talking to someone about it could be a good place to start.

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