I Do Adore (Scarian)

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Sooooo, I THINK this is a songfic? Maybe? Aren't songfics just fics but with song lyrics? AM I WRONG? Well, I hope not. Anyways, the song featured in this one is "I Do Adore", by Mindy Gledhill. I'm not doing the whole song, so maybe I messed this up even more. Whatever, this was fun to write. TAKE SOME FLUFF!

No warnings, unless if you count SUPER mild injury as a warning.

Setting is some random place I have no idea

WC: Still terrible (~310)


Everything you do, it sends me higher than the moon

Grian turned around in his chair. He leaned against the back of the chair as he watched the door open, and Scar come through. The red-sweatered man grinned at Scar, who smiled back.

With every twinkle in your eye,

"Hey G!" Scar greeted his boyfriend brightly. 

"Hiya Scar," Grian replied with another smile. "How ya doing?

You strike a match that lights my heart on fire.

"Good, how are you?" Scar asked.

"Getting better," Grian responded with a wink. Scar blushed slightly at this line, Grian watching whilst fighting back a giggle.

When you're near, I hide my blushing face,

"Oh please," Scar scoffed playfully. "I can't possibly make your day better just by existing."

"You manage it, believe me-EEEEEEE!" Grian's compliment was cut off with a scream as the chair gave way and crashed forward, faceplanting Grian.

And trip on my shoelaces,

"Are y-you okay?" Scar managed through breathless laughter. Grian, a pile on the floor with a chair, groaned dramatically as Scar rushed over.

Grace just isn't my forté,

"Only my pride is injured," Grian assured Scar, dusting himself off. "Well, my pride and the chair." 

But it brings me to my knees when you say:

"No need to be ashamed," Scar assured Grian, although his face says otherwise. Grian sighed and pulled himself to his knees.

Hello, how are you, my darling, today?

"Help me up," Grian grumbled, taking Scar's outstretched hand.

I fall into a pile on the floor,

"Y'know, you don't NEED to fall flat on your face for me." Scar said, yanking Grian's hand.

Puppy love is hard to ignore,

However, Scar underestimated his strength and pulled Grian a bit too hard, sending them both flying back.

When every little thing you do, I do,

The two were sprawled out on the floor, in an even bigger mess than they were before. The pair locked eye contact for a moment, then simultaneously burst out laughing.


That was actually so fun to write. Not my best work, but still fun! I truely have no idea what I'm doing anymore, but WHATEVER.


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