Only Good Things (Beetho)

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Setting is real life or smthing

Warnings for... bullying? Isthatawarning-

WC: ~615


Etho hadn't expected too much that day. He just wanted to get to his local grocery store. However, due to where he lived, he had to take the bus. Simple as that. He was used to it, anyway. 

Etho boarded the bus, sat down next to a stranger, and waited for the bus to start moving. He didn't look at the other person, until said stranger tapped him on the shoulder. Assuming he had done something wrong, Etho glanced at the other, only to nearly gasp.


Memories came flooding back like water bursting through a dam.

Pushed against a wall as rough hands ripped the mask from his face.

"Why do you wear this anyway?" the voice sneered. "Is it to cover your ugly face?"

Etho said nothing, just bit back tears. 

Etho said nothing, just watched his fellow classmate twirl his mask in his fingers.

Etho said nothing, just hoped that he would be able to devise a plan to get the mask back.

That mask was all he had.

"Can't you talk, freak?" the other snapped. Etho pressed his lips together. Tears threatened to spill, but he refused to let them. As long as he didn't react-


A new voice.

"Leave him alone, you jerk!" A fellow student, whom Etho didn't recognize.

"Why should I?" Etho's bully jeered, his attention turned to the other student. The one who was... standing up for Etho. 

"What did he do to you?" the boy flared back. Etho said nothing once again, watching in awe. 

The bully was silent. Fury burned in his hazel eyes, and he threw Etho's mask in the other student's face before stalking away. Etho turned to look at his 'guardian angel', or whatever sappy poetic thing came to his book-centered mind.

"I'm Beef," he said after a moment, fingering Etho's mask for a second before extending his hand out to Etho, for him to take the mask. Etho took the mask, gently squeezing Beef's hand as he did it.

"I'm Etho," his voice was soft. "Thank you."

"Of course," Beef replied. "I couldn't just stand there. Are you okay?" 

"I am now," Etho responded, smiling before slipping his mask back on. 

Etho was ecstatic the rest of that day. For once, going to school didn't feel like a burden. He was free of the bully. He had made a 'friend', of some sort. Things were finally starting to look up for him. 

Weeks later, they became closer and closer friends.

Until he went home one day...

The next few days were a blur. Etho had to change schools. Move out of the city. His parents had gotten new jobs.

New jobs meant a new life.

Etho had never seen Beef again.

Until now. 

"Etho?" Beef breathed. He's still just as pretty as I remember, Etho's head noted. "I can't believe this!" 

"I'm not 'Etho'," Etho said in a gruff voice, grinning behind the mask. "I'm Beef." Beef's face morphed into confusion, then realization as the pair laughed together. 

"Did you move here?" Etho asked, referring to his city. Beef nodded. 

"What a coincidence!" Beef laughed, although both of their voices were still lightly hushed. His blue eyes twinkled in the light, and it was with that observation Etho noticed...

I thought I had a crush on him a couple of years ago.

This is a lot more than I remember.

The two of them quietly chatted the bus ride away, catching up on their old memories. Once they got off, they had already exchanged numbers and promised to stay in touch. Etho turned to leave with a satisfied feeling in his heart. 

The feeling that only good things could happen from there.

Yay! Woo! Yippie! Other relatively happy noises!


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