And I Almost Wish It Wasn't You (Scarian)

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Oh, we all saw that angst potential, didn't we?

this one can be interpreted as either platonic or romantic, whatever you like!)

Warnings for pain and injury, physically and emotionally.

WC: ~1600


Double Life.

A new world, one of tied souls and the risk of losing it all with no warning, a world where your life is in the hands of another, a world where each tick of damage one takes is bound to someone else.

And Grian had a feeling he knew who his soulmate was.

The idea started to flicker in the back of his head when a conversation with BigB, Scott, and Tango was cut short.

Utop the mountain, he went from perfectly fine to screaming with the seemingly unexplainable pain, from okay to collapsed on the cold stone of the mountain, clutching his chest with someone else's pain.

Scar, his brain had whispered, because who else would take such a huge amount of damage all at once? Maybe Jimmy, but something inside him told him it was Scar.

It might not be, though, he reminded himself as he quickly ate the food his companions had kindly supplied him with. Anyone could have gotten caught in an accident.

But, as it often went with Grian and his instincts, he was quickly proven correct.

It was in the trench, with Etho and Joel, where Joel had swung his axe at Scar, and Grian's hearts ticked down.

And Scar didn't realize.

Scar was too busy chasing an allay to notice.

To care.

"Scar-" Grian called, but his soulmate's attention was too far away to even bother catching. Grian extended an arm in Scar's direction, opening his mouth with another unspoken call, but no words came out as he came to the cold realization that Scar couldn't be bothered to pay attention to what he had to say. Joel placed a hand on Grian's shoulder with sympathy.

You're doomed, that hand seemed to say. You've been caught with the most death-prone person on the server. And he doesn't even know you're his soulmate.

"He... he doesn't know," Grian breathed out, staring off as Scar made his way out of the ravine, still following that allay. He turned his gaze to Joel and Etho. "He still hasn't realized."

"He'll figure it out," Etho said with a shrug. He paused, before adding, "Hopefully."

"Hopefully," Joel agreed, snorting out a laugh. "I can't believe he still doesn't know!"

Or care, the little, bitter part of Grian couldn't help but add.

That bitter part only grew stronger and stronger as he continued to chase after Scar. Somehow spending days and nights together didn't tip him off in the slightest as to who his soulmate might be. It felt like the entire server knew, everyone except for Scar was aware of exactly who he was bound to.

Eventually, the pair parted ways, Grian going on to try and get himself set up with a semi-fulfilling base.

Wheat farms. Animal pastures. Goat horn clubs. Neighbors.

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