Matching (Bdoc)

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Okay, I'm addicted to the prompt generator. I have like a million of these that I want to do haha. Also, I got this one and just DIED. This honestly seems like the kind of situation I'd get myself into, I'm that much of a klutz. Also, you can probably tell I've run out of title ideas lol.

Setting is the Hermitcraft server.

Warnings are second-hand embarrassment (that's not a warning is it?) and... bruises. Is that a warning? No, it probably isn't. No warnings, then!

WC: ~280 (iT's a DraBbLE, OkAY)


"I- you- what?" Bdubs sputtered. Doc sighed.

"I get that you might not return the feeling," he mumbled. "And I'm sorry if this ruins our friendship. I just... couldn't hide it any longer. I... I love you, Bdubs."

He... WHAT?

Doc... WHAT?

"I'll let you get back to what you were doing," Doc said sheepishly when Bdubs didn't respond, a hint of disappointment and sadness leaking into his tone. The German turned to leave, only to have his hand grabbed by Bdubs.

"No, wait," Bdubs said. "I... I like you back." Doc's eye widened at the confession.

"Really?" Doc's voice sounded more hopeful than Bdubs had ever heard it. Bdubs, as a response, grabbed the collar of Doc's shirt and yanked him down to kiss him. Except...

"Ow!" Doc yelped, rubbing his forehead. "What was that for?" Bdubs's face turned red.

"I- I wasn't- I was trying to kiss you!" Bdubs blurted. Doc tinted red, but then his eyes diverted to Bdubs's forehead.

"I..." Doc paused, unsure of what to say.

"Think it'll bruise?" Bdubs muttered, still embarrassed. 

It totally did bruise.

For the next two weeks, Doc and Bdubs were walking around with matching bruises.

On their foreheads.

Like some sort of cursed soulmark.

"Dude, what happened?" Tango asked at their next Boomer meeting.

"Yeah, were you blowing up things without us?" Impulse said with a laugh.

"Uh, no!" Bdubs stuttered, his face heating up as he thought of the moment. "I... I just hit my, erm, head."

"Doc has a similar bruise," Tango mentioned, lighting Bdubs's face up, somehow more than before. Impulse and Tango glanced at Bdubs's face, then at each other, a matching mischievous grin coming to their faces.

"Okay, before you say anything," Bdubs tried.

"Did you finally kiss Doc???

Ohhhh, poor Bdubs. Sorry not sorry.


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