Cracks On A Broken Heart (Xisuma and Xanthus)

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This one... this is frickin angsty.

Thank you to enby_ofdoom , who screamed about this with me and helped me brainstorm in DM's a while ago. I finally wrote it, Phantom!

Warnings are for a lot of emotional pain, a form of self-harm (self harm isn't always blood and physical things), a little bit of violence (a character gets punched), and a lot of depressing themes (as the title suggests)

WC: ~3100 (look who got carried away lmao- I wrote this in a day-)


"I hate you," Xay hissed. "You've ruined everything, all in your own selfish motives."

"...Selfish?" Xisuma's voice was shocked. Cold. Furious. "Selfish? I've done it all for you, for us, and you're calling me selfish?" Xay opened his mouth to speak, but Xisuma pushed him back, cutting off any words.

"I'm anything but selfish," he spat. "You're ungrateful, and just in denial because you know that everything that you do destroys what's around you."

Xay's anger wavered for a moment, but Xisuma didn't notice. He didn't care.

"You've ruined every single opportunity I've had," Xisuma was vaguely aware of tears burning in his eyes. "All because you're too arrogant to just be happy for me. All because you're so caught up in your own world, you couldn't care less about what's important to me. You don't care, and neither do I."


"Save it. Save it. I'm done with what you are, I'm done with this all, because you know what?"


And before Xisuma knew what was going on, there was an earsplitting bang, and Xay dropped into a hole that had opened up at his feet.

So caught up in their argument, Xisuma hadn't noticed the Admin magic stirring inside him.

He didn't notice until it was too late.

Xay dropped into the Void, and all of Xisuma's anger disintegrated.

"Xa- XAY!!" Xisuma screamed. He dropped to the ground, his hands flat on the grass, as if feeling around to try and find a way to re-open the rift.

"Xay- I didn't mean it-" Xisuma felt tears streaming down his face. "I didn't mean it- please- Xay I need you- I'm sorry- I-" Xisuma's words were cut off by a sob.

He had to fix this. He had to.

Xisuma had rushed home, pulling up his communicator and opening a bunch of settings. He tried to figure out how to get to Xay, but nothing seemed to work. Nothing.

No, he thought. I can't let this happen, I can't let him stay there.

Xisuma worked for hours, hours on end.

Nothing came through, nothing worked.

His vision blurred, either from panic or tears, he couldn't tell, he didn't care. All that mattered was Xay, Xay, his brother, the person he loved the most, the person that would be tortured by the Void until Xisuma could save him.

Xisuma's hands were shaking as he opened up every menu he could think of, trying to find Xay's player profile, looking for information about the Void's code, something on banning players, anything.

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