Laundry (Scarian)

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Ayyyyy, some Scarian! Wooo! I need a break from mild to severe angst, the last SEVEN oneshots have had warnings. This one has none! Who's writing fluff NOW? ...Me. Why did I even ask that question?

It's been a while since I wrote Scarian, I really need to mix it up some more.


WC: Short, this is yet another drabble. (~300)

I feel like I'm forgetting something... eh, whatever.


"I'm cold," Grian complained to Scar. "Can we crank up the heat or something?"

"No, but we can do the laundry!" Scar offered.

"Lauuundry?" Grian whined. "How is THAT going to help?"

"It won't," Scar replied with a grin. "But it'll take your mind off your coldness."

"Fiiine," Grian mumbled. 

Grian waited in their room as Scar brought the clean clothes in a basket. Grian grabbed one, and then gasped.

"They're so warm!" the blonde said. Scar giggled as Grian grabbed some more clothes.

"I told you laundry would help," he said with a laugh. "Now help me fold these."

The two of them worked together to get all of the clothes put away. When they were finally done, Scar handed Grian the empty basket.

"Put this away, please," Scar requested. Grian nodded, took the basket, and left the room.

Moonlight illuminated the hallways. Grian crept down the silent floors and made his way to a closet. He stuffed the empty basket into it before heading back over to the room where Scar was waiting.

Scar had changed into some of the fresh pajama's from the newly folded clothes. He was sitting on the bad, and smiled at Grian as he came in.

"Still cold?" Scar asked. 

"A bit," Grian responded, sitting next to Scar.

"Maybe I can help," Scar offered with another smile. The wizard pulled Grian into his lap.

"You're so warm," Grian gasped, snuggling into Scar, who laughed.

"I'm warm, sure. But not as hot as you," Scar said with a wink, flustering Grian.

"I- you- what?" Grian stuttered. Scar laughed again and pulled Grian in closer.

"Forget I said anything," Scar suggested. 

"Nah. Then I wouldn't be able to get you back," Grian pointed out.

"Get me back?" Scar whined. "Seriously, Gri?"

"Seriously," Grian said with a giggle, planting a kiss on Scar's cheek. "I love you."

"Love you too."

Pro winter tip: Put a robe in the dryer to make it warm, then wear it and settle by a fireplace with a book and some hot cocoa. Happy December, 2020's nearly over! Though, I just realized that 2021 is pronounced "2020 won". Whatever. Bring it on, New Year!

It's only December Sixth what am I saying lmao


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