Red Like Roses (Bdoc)

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Woo! More Bdoc! Also maybe some angst but it's Bdoc so WHO CARES?!

I like hurting people.

This story is about the hanahaki disease, and if you don't know what that is, then just keep reading it's kinda self-explanatory once you know the character is sick.

Warnings are blood, vomiting, and near death. Also self-doubt. Stuff along those lines.

I actually made up a tad bit of this, so, sorry if I messed up the mechanics of the disease.

Setting is the Hermitcraft server.

Also, Etho is a freaking hero in this.

WC: ~1820 (a lot more proud of this one)



Flowers. Everyone knew them. Most quite liked them. They were pretty, peaceful, and just a spot of color. The entire atmosphere could be dark grey, and the flowers would still be bright. Bdubs, for one, loved flowers.

Until he started throwing them up.

For no reason! There was no reason to throw up countless flower petals multiple times a day. But here he was, kneeling over a bucket, coughing up a bunch of stupid, bright red petals.

The first time it happened was probably one of the most traumatizing things ever.

He had just finished repairing Mount Goatmore with Doc, also repairing his friendship with the hybrid. Right after Doc left, he felt an itch in his throat. Bdubs dismissed this, itches in one's throat were nothing to fuss over. They were normal, natural.

What happened next was not natural.

Bdubs had just woken up the next day. He washed his face in the restroom, getting all of the sleep out of his eyes. The itch in his throat still hadn't disappeared, which was infuriating. Bdubs coughed rather violently, and then nearly screamed.

Red rose petals.

Coming out of his mouth.

What the goat???

Bdubs kept his condition a secret. There was no need to worry the other hermits over something that would probably go away soon. Even though it was so odd. 

Bdubs started staying away from everyone. The vomiting happened too often and was too uncontrollable to be reliable. He spent all of his time vomiting or building. Vomiting and building. Vomiting and building. Again and again. But, of course, the hermits started getting worried.

<Docm77>  Bdubs you good? Haven't seen you around lately.

Bdubs glanced up from his building to look at his communicator. The message made his stomach lurch, and he was quick to type in a reply.

<Bdouble0100> Yeah! Just been building!

Bdubs prayed that the message was reassuring enough, and went back to the building. However, once again, he felt petals build up in his throat. Sighing, Bdubs suppressed the pain as he pulled over a bucket. He always had one now, he needed it.

Bdubs coughed up the petals, a couple of tears slipping out. It hurt so much. Tiny little knives in his throat. Sharp pains in his chest. Bright... red blood?

Bdubs peered into the basket closer. Holy-- there's blood in there. Bdubs realized. And... thorns? Oh, of course. These are rose petals after all.

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