Drabbles Again!

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I know I should PROBABLY write something legitimate, but honestly, I'm probably not gonna write much this weekend, so I might as well get this out here.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure like 50% of this'll be beetho fluff.

these are extra short btw


#1: Crying

A weird type of hurt/comfort
TW for... crying? eh, it's pretty mild tbh

If there was one thing Xay hated, it was crying.

Emotions spilling out uncontrollably, turning you into a complete wreck of weakness, becoming vulnerable to just about anything?

Absolutely not.

But unfortunately for him, emotions did in fact exist, and there wasn't a lot he could do to stop them.

Xay hid himself deep in the Nether fortress, struggling against an overflow of uncalled for tears. Nothing had happened, nothing was wrong, and yet, somehow, he was crying.

It was humiliating.

Xay wiped some tears away, trying to compose himself, when he heard footsteps.

His heart stopped, and he shakily looked up to see Hels.


Why did it have to be Hels? Unbreakable, perfect Hels. He'd never understand.

Xay grit his teeth, looking away from Hels's stare, though he could still feel the heat from a pair of burning red eyes.

"What do you want?" Xay hissed, folding his arms to rest on his knees.

Hels didn't respond.

Instead, he came closer, crouching down right in front of Xay. His expression remained neutral, but for half a second, Xay could've sworn it softened, even just a little.

"I said," Xay cursed his voice from shaking. "What do you want?"

"I want to know who hurt you," Hels replied coolly. Xay blinked. It certainly wasn't the reaction he'd expected.

"No one hurt me, idiot," he grumbled. "And nothing happened either. So don't bother with your stupid act."

"So what? You're crying for no reason?" Hels challenged. Xay narrowed his eyes and diverted his gaze, hating that Hels's sarcastic words were actually the truth.

I apologize for having to leave it there KJDHKDA

#2: The Worst Biome
Hels, Ex, Badtimes, and True
TW for implied trauma and mentions of scars- also swearing!

It had started with an innocent conversation that had sparked up in Hels Kitchen. A simple debate of the absolute worst biome the world had to offer.

"It's snowy plains," Hels insisted. "That place is absolutely horrific."

"Snow sucks," Badtimes agreed. "But come on. Swamps are worse. They're humid and gross and just generally horrible."

"At least they're not frigid!" Hels shot back. "Like snowy plains."

"I'd argue snowy mountains are worse," True chimed in. "Have you heard of powdered snow? That shit is out for blood."

"You're all wrong," and they all looked up to see Ex striding over to their table in the diner. "None of those are the worst biome."

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