Snow Day (Bdoc)

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Okay, I was looking through a prompt generator for inspiration, and I got this. I actually really liked this one, so here we are! And it's fitting because it's December right now! People of the future, you're just gonna have to play along!

This one actually sounds so fun to write, I'm excited. Doc just picks Bdubs up and YEETS him into the snow- nah jk.

It doesn't snow much where I live, it just gets cold. It never rains in Virginia's winters, only in ALL OF THE OTHER SEASONS. No joke, we got enough rain to make two feet or something of snow the other day, but NOPE, too warm.


Warnings are none because fluff.

WC: Pretty short, this is just a bit of a drabble (~810)


"Nope!" Bdubs replied. "No thank you!"

"Oh come on," Doc scoffed. "You know you want to."

"See, I'm pretty sure I don't." Bdubs pointed out. "I'd much rather sit here where it's nice and warm, and where I won't get soaking wet and cold. Why don't we just relax here instead of going outside and begging the world for hypothermia? Good idea, Bdubs." Doc smiled despite himself at his boyfriend's humor.

"It'll be fun!" Doc argued. "We can put on warm clothes, then we won't freeze to death. We'll just build a snowman! If it isn't fun, you can pour hot cocoa on me. Deal?" Doc offered Bdubs a hand. Bdubs hesitated, then took it with a smile.

"Deal. I hope your metal arm is cocoa-proof."

The two of them bundled up; layers, coats, hats, scarves, the whole lot. Once they were ready, they opened the door to the landscape the world had turned into.

Snow piled over everything. The air was laced with a cool winter breeze. The sun was out, and the snow and ice gently glittered in its light. A mystical aura surrounded the scene, and Doc almost felt bad treading his and Bdubs's footprints all over it.


Doc grinned to himself and made his way out into the foot-deep snow, Bdubs close behind.

"What now?" he asked Doc.

"Tell me you know how to build a snowman." Doc said with a laugh, scooping up some snow in his arms and forming it into a snowball.

"Of course I do!" Bdubs responded indignantly, scooping up some of his own snow.

"Great, then let's do that," Doc said with another smile. Bdubs couldn't help but smile himself.

The two of them rolled their snowballs through the snow until they got a decently sized head and body, which they stacked on top of each other.

"Well, now we just need the other... stuff," Bdubs said. The two of them split up to get it.

Bdubs picked up quite a few rocks, a couple of bright red berries, and a twig. It was relatively long, on the thicker side, and looked more grey than brown. He got back before Doc and set to work.

Doc had headed back into the house. Some spare winter clothing would do nicely. A leftover hat. Doc's mittens (robotic arms couldn't get cold, and there wasn't really a point in wearing just one), things like that.

Bdubs took a step back and admired his work. It was indeed what he was going for. Doc would certainly get a kick out of this.

"I'm back, and I got-- what is that?" Doc yelped, looking at Bdubs's snowman.

On the right side, where an arm would go, was the grey-ish twig. The spot where it was put into the snow was surrounded by rocks. On the face were two different looking eyes. On the left was an eye made out of the bright red berries. On the right was an eye made out of rocks. Using even more rocks, Bdubs had put a sarcastic/skeptical expression on it, instead of the typical smile. There was also a line of rocks going down the face and into the body.

"Is- is that me?" Doc sputtered. Bdubs doubled over laughing at Doc's bewildered expression.

"Oh you-" Doc grinned, dropping his things to ball up a snowball and toss it at Bdubs. Bdubs stood in shock for a moment, staring at the spot on his shoulder where the snowball hit.

"Ohhhh, you're going to regret that," Bdubs warned, a smile creeping onto his face.

"Make me," Doc taunted, only to have a snowball nail him in the face. Bdubs broke out into hysterical laughter as Doc wiped the slush off his face.

"You are so on," the German growled. Bdubs made a run for it, Doc close behind. Bdubs scooped up some more snow midstep and whipped around to throw it at Doc.

Doc ducked, but then, because he was still moving, faceplanted into the snow. Bdubs bust out laughing, as Doc pulled himself up, only to slip and fall again.

"A-are you o-okay?" Bdubs choked out. Doc raised an eyebrow. Though he was annoyed, seeing Bdubs this hysterical made Doc unable to glare at him.

"Only my pride is injured," Doc responded with a sigh.

"It could use it," Bdubs joked, offering Doc a hand. That was a mistake. Doc grabbed his hand and yanked it, sending Bdubs crashing down.

"Yeah, this is quite the typical snow day," Bdubs mumbled around his mouthful of snow, earning a snicker from Doc.

"Do I need to cocoa-proof my arm?" Doc asked Bdubs, referring to their earlier deal.

"I guess not," Bdubs said with a grin, pulling himself up into a sitting position. "Though I might still take you up on that offer, just for fun."

"Oh you little-" Doc swept snow at Bdubs with his arm, scattering little white flakes all over him.

It really was quite a perfect snow day.

1. Yes the ending was rushed.

2. No I don't care.

3. Yes I kinda diverted from the prompt.

4. No I still don't care.

Have a good day! <3


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