Erase (Jels)

987 29 45

This was requested by TinyAzalea101 , here we go!

Warnings for hanahaki- blood, vomitting, the whole thing.

WC: ~2,300


Jevin didn't consider himself to be the kind of person to chase after love.

It was just kind of a thing that was there- he'd get crushes, yes, but it wasn't extreme. More 'aesthetic attraction', as xB often liked to put it.

But then he met Wels, and everything changed.

Why, just why did he have to fall for someone like Wels? Perfect Wels, with his glittering smile and eyes like condensed skies, summer blue and-

"Hello-?" xB said, waving a hand in front of Jevin's face. "Earth to Jevin! All good?" Jevin blinked.

Right. He was supposed to be talking to xB about the new season start.

"Ohhh," xB continued, ocean blue eyes flickering over to the knight Jevin had been staring at. "I see."

"See what?" Jevin shot back.

"Wels!" xB replied cheerfully. "And you. I know the face of a lovestruck slime when I see one."

"Right," Jevin sighed. "First off, when have you ever seen a lovestruck slime. Second, I am not lovestruck."

"First, I see lovestricken slimes every time we talk with Wels," xB retaliated. "Second, in what world?" The words earned an eyeroll, but no further reaction.

Little did he know where things would go soon after.

After he waved xB goodbye and made his way back to his starter base.

And right after the first coughing fit.

"Oh my god," Jevin breathed out, staring at the blue orchids that he'd just spat out. "Oh my god."

At this point, hanahaki wasn't a stranger to the server, but the shock that came with it was unfamiliar, at least for Jevin.

"Okay... okay..." Jevin mumbled, pacing back and forth, still clutching the petals. "Who am I sick for?"

He groaned and facepalmed, the hand sliding down to cover the bottom half of his face.

"Great," he mumbled. "I'm dead."

Well, his brain argued. Isn't that what everyone else said?

Yeah, the other half of his mind snorted. But they were all just oblivious. I'm not oblivious, Wels just doesn't show any romantic interest towards me.

Again. Dead.

"Not my fault he's attractive," Jevin sighed to no one. "Can't help it when he just walks into a room looking like that-"

His tangent was cut short by another storm of flower petals. It was as if his disease was mocking him, practically saying 'You're in deep'.

And it was entirely correct.

He was in deep.

His instinctive reaction was to tell someone- Hypno or xB, perhaps?- but second thoughts held him back.

What if they just decided to tell Wels?

What if he got rejected?

But, then again, his life was at stake. Rejection meant death, but keeping to himself also meant death.

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