Just Friends (Beetho)

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Look! A random, wild, sappy Beetho confession!

How wonderful!

Setting is IRL AU... thing.

No warnings.

WC: ~420


Etho could feel his resolve slowly chipping away.

He could feel his sanity slowly slipping out of his grasp. 

Every single time Beef said it...

It was another marble lost.

'Etho, my friend!'

'Hey, friend!'

'It's nice having you as a friend, Etho.'

'I'm happy we're friends.'

And so on.

And that shouldn't have been so bad.

Etho wouldn't have minded it from anyone else.

But from Beef?

He wished that the word didn't seem to float around in every single conversation.

It was driving him nuts. 

He knew they were 'just friends'.

But that didn't stop him from wishing.

From wanting.

From needing.

Needing something more.

Wishing, wanting, hoping, praying, desperate for the next stage.

Etho was afraid it would never come.

And... he wasn't sure if he was okay with that.

Beef was trying to convince himself.

They were nothing more than friends, and that's how it should be.

Would always be.

Beef knew that's how it would go.

Did he want their friendship to remain static?


Not at all.

But he wanted Etho to be happy.

If staying friends made Etho happy, it'd all be worth it.


Beef hoped so. 

It was just a normal day when Etho snapped.

They had met up at Beef's house, and everything was fine, when,

"You're a real great friend, Etho!" Beef told him cheerfully.

"Can you just stop?!" Etho lashed out, then clapped a hand over his mouth. 

"W-what?" Beef's hurt voice made Etho want to smash windows out of fury for himself. 

"Please, stop saying that," Etho whispered, cursing himself when he felt tears prick at his eyes. In an instant, Beef was standing in front of him, hands clasped with Etho's.

"Saying what?" Beef asked, gentle fingers brushing a tear from Etho's eye. Etho sighed.

"S-stop calling me your friend," he mumbled. "I don't want to be just friends. It hurts. It hurts to have someone that I love this much just be my friend. 

"Etho, I feel the same way," Beef's voice, although quiet, was full of hope. "I was staying 'just friends' because I thought that you would be happier that way." Etho giggled.

"That's sweet," he teased. "But I think I'd rather be something else." Beef smiled and, when Etho nodded his consent, gently pulled down Etho's mask. 

"Oh, really?" he asked, tracing Etho's face. 

"Yeah," Etho whispered, feeling like he was in a trance. Enchanted by those vibrant blue eyes. Carefully, Beef brought Etho's face closer to his own. He hesitated for a second, and with the slightest nod from Etho, pressed their lips together.

They were 'just friends'.

But now?

So much more.

And they were both there for the ride. 

I have no outro notes, so...



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