Anything For You (Renskall)

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This was requested by enby_ofdoom! Phantom, thank you for the request (your other request is coming, I just wanted to do this one first ahaha)! Anyone reading this, if YOU have a request that you'd like me to tackle, feel free to drop it anywhere and I will get it done!

This is another hanahaki fic! I'm not complaining, these are FUN.

Warnings are self-doubt, vomiting, and blood.

Setting is the Hermitcraft server.

WC: ~1200


Just watching them sent a sick feeling to Iskall's stomach. Just seeing it happen made Iskall want to run away and never come back. Just hearing some of the things they said made Iskall want to stab himself just so that the physical pain would drown out the emotional.

Iskall couldn't help it.

Watching the love of his life flirt with someone else was rather painful.

Iskall clenched his fists from his perch in a tree as he watched Doc and Ren talk. No, not talk. Flirt. Iskall had seen this happen numerous times. Doc would approach Ren, they'd talk, Ren would blush, laugh nervously, sometimes snap at Doc, occasionally make Doc blush as well, and, on the worse days, Ren would get these twinkles in his beautiful chocolate-brown eyes.

It made Iskall's heart hurt.

And there was nothing he could do about it.

Ren was in love with someone else. That someone was Doc. And that was fine. 

But why was Iskall so jealous?

I can't be jealous, Iskall told himself sternly. Ren is your friend. Although you want to be something more, it wouldn't kill you to just be happy for him. 

Although he had told himself this hundreds of times, tears still burned in his eyes as he watched a blushing Ren nudge Doc playfully.

Iskall ended up leaving before his heart could crack any more.

Iskall sighed to himself as he placed leaves for his omega-tree. He wasn't being fair. Ren was allowed to fall in love with whoever he wanted. Who was Iskall to get in the way of that? Iskall rubbed his chest subconsciously, surprised that he felt an actual pain there.

Physical pain? Iskall thought with a cough. Seriously? Thanks, universe. Iskall coughed more violently, then froze.

A single yellow petal, drifting down.




Please, no.

Iskall grabbed the petal, then rubbed his throat, which, now that he thought about it, felt sore. 

I have hanahaki.

Iskall's grip on the petal tightened. Panic and confusion swirled in his head. 

There are only two cures.

If Ren likes me back... that's not going to happen.

If I take that emotion-killing potion... that's not going to happen.

The blood drained from Iskall's face, and dropped the petal, letting it fall to the jungle floor. 

I can't give up my feelings. 

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