Robotic (Bdoc)

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Ooooooh I'm not even joking it was 11 pm and I was about to fall asleep and this idea hit me like a comet. I literally wrote it in capital letters in a nearby notebook.

This is angst! Warnings include fighting, death, and emotional breakdowns!

Dang it, these warnings are just spoilers in disguise... whatever.

*le gasp* Is ThIs OnE sLIgHTlY mOrE OrIGiNAL?

Yes it is! I'm proud :/

Also, we've hit 100 views! I know that's a super small milestone, but I nearly screamed when I saw it. I get too excited too easily ahaha. But thank you all! <3

Okay, here's a quick, serious disclaimer.

I know in the first few days I was blasting these out, like one or three a day, but unfortunately, that's going to stop. Uploads are going to be a lot slower than before, I made a stupid mistake and burned myself out right from the start. I have some serious writer's block, so expect fewer uploads. Back to what you actually came here for!

The setting is the Hermitcraft server, I guess.

WC: ~1850


Doc lay in bed. His eye hurt. Not his normal eye, but his robotic eye. Maybe it needed adjusting? He wasn't sure, but this pain wasn't normal. Usually, when it needed adjusting, it would feel sore. Not this bright, sharp pain, as if he was being stabbed. Not this burning desire to rip out his own eye just to stop the pain.

Doc sighed softly, then carefully got out of bed. He was nearly silent, as to not awake Bdubs, who had been sleeping beside him. A small smile formed at the thought of his sleepy boyfriend. Doc loved him.

Doc walked into a bathroom and peered at his reflection. Woah, Doc thought. His eye was glowing, but more than before. Usually, it would just emit soft, red light. Tonight, it was like a scarlet flashlight.

What's wrong this time? Doc thought tiredly. Do I need a screwdriver or something-

Doc's thought was cut off by a flash of blinding red light from his eye. Everything went red, then everything went dark.

"Doc?" Bdubs's voice pierced through the silence. He had been woken up when Doc exited the bed. He had laid there, expected Doc to come back. But, when he heard a scream and saw a large flash of red light, he realized he would have to investigate.

Bdubs slowly got up and made his way to the bathroom, his heart pounding in his chest. What happened to him

Doc was standing, facing away from Bdubs. Doc turned around, his face oddly expressionless.

"Hello. I am the DocMonster77. How may I serve you?"


The next morning, Bdubs took Doc straight to Xisuma. Perhaps the admin would know what was going wrong with Doc. Bdubs knocked on the door, trying not to burst into panicked tears. The door opened, and there stood Xisuma.

"Bdubs? And Doc? Is something wrong?" The Admin asked

"It's Doc," Bdubs explained. He had dragged Doc here by hand, and Doc wasn't responding or asking any questions.

"Who are you?" Bdubs asked Doc, to demonstrate.

"I am the DocMonster77," Doc replied in his odd, calm, robotic voice. Bdubs hated it. Xisuma froze.

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