Stronger Than The Memories (Beetho)

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I wrote angsty Beetho.


Setting is like a city-type... thing.

Warnings are mentions of abuse? Implied? I honestly don't really know-

WC: ~1050


"No!" Etho yelled. "I don't want to!" Hot tears burned in his eyes. He wished they weren't there. He wished he could stop feeding this monster his tears.

"Don't you love me?" his 'partner's' voice sounded hurt. Etho didn't believe a word of it.

"You know what?" Etho flared back. "Maybe I don't!" Something changed on his 'lover's' face, and he stepped closer to Etho, who was too frozen, too scared, to back away. 

"Etho, darling, let's not-" his voice was sweet and gentle. The voice Etho had fallen for so long ago.

Etho was done with falling.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Etho screamed, tears leaking down his face. "I'm done. DONE. I don't want to see you ever again!" Etho had expected, hoped, that his 'partner' would turn and run. Leave him. However, his face twisted into a broken smile.

"You can't escape me, dear," his voice remained sweet. Sickly sweet. Deadly sweet. "You know you can't. You don't want to." 

Etho ran. 

He didn't know what else to do.

His heart was racing and he was crying and honestly just felt like a mess.

A stupid, gullible, maybe even a bit ugly, mess.

Nothing more.

Etho blocked his ex on his phone that night. Deleted all evidence of contact with him.

Well, all evidence except the scars.

Etho moved as well. Out of the country. He needed to convince himself that he was safe. He started wearing a face mask. It made him feel secluded. Hidden. Mute. He started talking less. Making fewer and fewer friends. 

No one would notice him like this. 

And that was exactly what he wanted.

Well, almost no one.

No one except one person.


He couldn't help it. Something about the way Etho moved, held himself, talked (when Beef could get him to), all of it was oddly fascinating to him. He wanted to be closer friends with Etho. 

If I reach out... then what?

He opens up to me?


Beef sighed. He was normally good with this kind of thing. But when it came to Etho, his brain just seemed to peace out on him. Beef hated it.

But he didn't stop trying.

Whenever he saw Etho walking on the streets, he would stop and talk to him. Ask him how he was doing. Make him laugh. Small bits of conversation. Beef enjoyed them, and was sure Etho did too. Slowly, surely, Etho began warming up to him. Their conversations started lasting longer, and happened more frequently. Heck, sometimes Etho would start them.

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