A Pleasant Accident (Beetho)

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Prompt: Beetho fluff, Etho forgets his mask.

Hey hey! This was requested by MollyEatsPIE ! Thanks for the request!!

No warnings, this is just fluffy!

WC: ~1400


Beef knocked on the door of Etho's apartment, hands in his sweater pockets. He'd decided to stop by, just to spend some time with Etho. It'd been a month or so since they'd met in person, and texting just wasn't the same in his opinion. So, after a quick confirmation with Etho, he'd hopped in the car and drove over to a pleasantly familiar building to hang out with a pleasantly familiar person.

The door opened, and Etho stood inside. "Hey, Beefers."

Distantly, Beef felt his jaw drop a little.

"Come in," Etho somehow didn't notice his reaction, just tipped his head in an inviting gesture. And he smiled.

Because that was what Beef was so shocked about. Etho didn't have his mask on.

Numbly, Beef kicked off his shoes in a way that was practically second nature to him, sitting down with Etho, going through the basic motions that he'd been through practically a thousand times. It was second nature, and through it all, he couldn't take his eyes off Etho's face, memorizing every detail because he knew it'd be taken away very shortly.

"So," Etho said, still smiling in a way that looked uncontrollable, a smile that Beef wished that he'd be able to see more often.

"So," Beef echoed, matching Etho's smile. A beat of silence passed, and for whatever reason, Beef just started chuckling.

Just laughing. The situation hit him all at once- Etho had no idea what was going on, and Beef did. It wasn't even that funny, but for some reason, at that moment, it was the most hilarious thing ever. Etho stared at him, confused, and then went to pull up his mask in lighthearted discomfort.

Beef watched as the realization hit, watched as Etho's awkward smile drained into sheer horror. Beef's laughter quickly ceased and turned into just a smile. Etho's face flushed, a sight Beef could only appreciate for a second before Etho did his best to cover it up with his hands.

"I was wondering when you'd realize," Beef said. Through the cracks between his fingers, Beef could see the color on Etho's face darken- who knew he was so easily flustered?

"I just- agh- where did I put it-" Etho mumbled, eyes darting around his little apartment. Etho's living space was controlled chaos, an organized disaster, but it appeared that at this time, the disaster prevailed.

"Hey, don't put it on now!" Beef laughed. "I've already seen your face, and I don't think I can go back to the mask. You're just too pretty to miss out on." Etho's eyes widened in shock- jokingly flirting was nothing new between the pair, but this was different. Etho was vulnerable here, and Beef was exploiting it in a way that neither of them were used to.

"Oh?" was all Etho said in response. Beef grinned.

"Yeah," he replied. "If you really want to have it back, that's okay- I'll even help you look for it. But I for one like seeing you without it." he paused before adding "Who knew I'd been hanging around with an insanely good-looking person all these years?"

"You're the worst," Etho mumbled, though he was smiling. Beef didn't have to see the bottom half of his face to know that, years of just his eyes made the rest of his facial features a privilege, not a necessity.

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