For Science (Tangdaph)

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It's been a second! I greatly apologize, I've made the incredibly smart decision to try and work on five different oneshots at once! To my absolute shock, it was remarkably faster to frickin' pick one and stick to it-

I wrote this kinda all over the place, then Frankenstein-monster stitched it together, so let's all just hope this is actually cohesive!

Oh, and I used a prompt! It was "A often has their hands on B. 'Ah, sorry, this is for science'. B leans in close one day, waits, then kisses A. 'For science'."

Didn't turn out exactly like that, but I'd say it's close!

No warnings that I can think of!

WC: ~1800


"Tango, Tango!" Zed called as Tango stepped into Zed's lab. Zedaph rushed to greet him, wearing a white lab coat with the sleeves rolled up. He wore white gloves and lab goggles that were propped up above his eyes. Tango eyed him up and down, because dang, he looks good in that coat, before quickly snapping his gaze to meet excited lavender eyes.

"Hey, Zed!" he replied. "What did you call me here for?"

"I'm conducting an experiment!" he said cheerfully. "Relating to Netherborns versus Overworldians versus Endspawned. Grian and Xisuma both volunteered to help out with Endspawned- Watchers and Voidwalkers have different genetic makeup, after all! And I can take data from myself for the Overworldian portion of the test."

"So you want me to be your lab rat?" Tango joked. Zedaph giggled.

"Sort of!" he agreed. "You don't have to, of course. But it'll be quick and painless- this time, anyways!" Tango barked a laugh.

"I mean, sure!" he agreed. "I'll participate in your voluntary science fair project." Zedaph lit up.

"Awesome!" he said. "Let me lead the way."

Zed sat Tango down at a simple desk, taking a seat right next to him. His right hand held a pen that was posed, ready to write on a clipboard, while his left hand stayed rested on the table.

Zed held out that hand to Tango, glancing at him expectantly. Tango looked down at Zed's outstretched hand, then back at him, gears slowly turning in his mind.

"Most of these tests require physical contact," Zedaph explained.

"Oh," Tango mumbled, undoubtedly sounding stupid. He gingerly placed his hand in Zedaph's, a warm blush crawling across his face.

Tango wasn't used to this feeling. At all. No one else could fluster him by just touching his hand. But then again, no one was anywhere close to as endearing and cute and perfect as Zed.

"Your hands are warm," Zedaph remarked, drawing Tango out of his thoughts.

"I guess they are," Tango agreed with a small laugh. "My temperature is generally higher than anyone else's." Zed nodded slowly, the curls on his head bouncing with the movement.

"Your pulse also goes pretty quick," he added.

Yeah, Tango thought dryly. I wonder why.

Tango chose not to say anything to Zed's innocent misunderstanding of the reasoning behind his rapid-fire heartbeat.

Zed continued to scribble things down, idly chatting with Tango as he did it. He never let go of Tango's hand, instead starting to rub circles on the back of Tango's palm with soft fingers.

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