Astraphobia (Beetho)

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Okay, so first off...

This is a request by enby_ofdoom!


This is inspired by a conversation I had with some people on BlueQuills_'s Discord server!

So it's kinda a combination of both!


Setting is somewhere. Like I know.

No warnings, this is a little something called f l u f f.

WC: ~470


It was a beautiful evening. The moon shimmered softly, casting its light over the world, sending the server to sleep. Serenity seemed to float in the air, just as natural as the other things that made up the peaceful atmosphere. All was quiet. A silent night.

Until it started pouring rain. 

"Let's watch a movie!" Beef offered as he noticed Etho staring numbly out the window. Something flashed across Etho's face as he glanced at Beef, but it was replaced with a smile.

"Sure!" Etho replied. Beef considered what he had briefly seen on Etho's face, but dismissed it when he couldn't figure it out. The two of them sat down in front of the TV and turned it on. Beef scrolled through the options before selecting one. 

Colors and images flashed on the electronic screen, coded to portray a story. The pair were silent, except for the occasional comment or laughter. It was rather peaceful, and Etho was starting to forget about the rain, until...

A bright, white flash from outside and the roar of thunder.

A shriek escaped Etho's lips, but he laughed it off under Beef's worried expression.

"It just... caught me off-guard," the lie was smooth. It was a lie Etho was used to telling. Beef, convinced, smiled and nodded, before turning back to the screen. 

Another thunderclap.

Another yelp. 

"Etho, you good?" Beef sounded genuinely concerned. Etho was certain his fear was practically written on his face. However, the ninja gave a small nod, before jumping out of his skin at the next thunderclap. 

"Do you have... astraphobia?" Beef asked after a second, movie forgotten. Etho sighed and buried his face in his hands.

"Yes," Etho mumbled. "It's such a dumb fear..."

"No, not really," Beef pointed out, gently pulling Etho close. "Thunder can be scary." Suddenly, an idea struck Beef. He watched out the window, then as the white flash came, he waited a second...

"CRACKA-LACKA-BOOM-BOOM!" Beef yelled over the thunder. Etho jumped, then realized what had been said, and burst out into shakey laughter.

"W-what?" he sputtered, and Beef flashed a cocky grin.

"Cracka-lacka-boom-boom!" Beef repeated matter-of-a-factly, sending Etho into another fit of hysterical laughter. "Say it with me!"

"You sound like a five-year-old," Etho teased. Beef didn't really care, though. He was having too much fun with this.

"Come on, you know you want to say it," Beef pleaded. "When the lightning flashes, wait a second then yell it! It makes the thunder less scary, and more... funny." Etho sighed, although Beef could tell he was smiling.

"Fine," he agreed, turning to face the window. 

Lightning flashed.

One second.

"CRACKA-LACKA-BOOM-BOOM!" their voices were united against the thunder, completely drowning it out. 

"Feel better?" Beef asked as Etho giggled again. 

"Yeah," he replied, surely smiling. "Thank you." 

"Of course,"

The two of them cracka-lacka-boom-boomed the thunder away that night. 

Etho was still afraid of thunder.

But not as much anymore.



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