I Didn't Know (Bdoc)

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*slaps* "BDOC!"


*yeets device at you, then runs off, screaming and laughing hysterically*

So yeah! Bdoc time! I am a DISGRACE for not putting any Bdoc in here sooner, but I am ready to atone for my sins with a short Bdoc fluff pile!

There is some self-doubt/hatred? in this, so watch out.

This is kinda like hurt/confort, sorta.

Setting is the Hermitcraft server (haha, who has a setting NOW?)

WC: ~850


Bdubs sat at the top of his half of the mansion. The sun was high, the sky was bright, and everything seemed perfect. A perfect day to do whatever one likes. And for Bdubs, what he wanted to do wasn't what one would expect. The hermits probably expected him to be building. Maybe doing something at the shopping district. Instead, Bdubs was investing in an old hobby of his.


He had a simple sketchpad and pencil with him. Nothing special, but enough to work. Bdubs had started drawing a while ago, and his sketch was starting to resemble what he was aiming for.

Or rather, who.

Bdubs had been aware of his feelings for his neighbor for a while now, but was too afraid to confess. What if he doesn't like me back? What if this ruins our friendship?  Small doubts like that took their toll on Bdubs' confidence, causing him to decide to just keep his emotions secret. 

What's the worst that could happen?

Sure, the feeling grew stronger with each passing day.

Sure, it felt like there was a desperate beast thrashing under bars in his chest.

But... it's not like Doc would ever like him back.

Why would he?

Doc was essentially perfect, he deserved someone just as good as him.

That person was not Bdubs.

That person was Ren, or maybe Grian, or...

Don't think about it, don't think about it, Bdubs thought, pressing his pencil into the paper.  Don't be jealous. Jealousy is stupid and not worth it just be happy for him just be happy-

Bdubs, being lost in his frantic thoughts, didn't notice the whooshing of wings behind him. He didn't notice the sound of someone landing. He didn't notice that he was being watched.

Bdubs stared at his paper. It was indeed Doc in the drawing. It was pretty good, though Bdubs needed to add a bit more-

"Is that... me?" The sound of a voice behind him both froze Bdubs's body and thoughts.




"I..." Bdubs mumbled, lost for words. 

He saw me.

"That's amazing," Doc breathed, sitting down next to Bdubs. "I didn't know you were an artist."

"I, uh," Bdubs stuttered, his face flushing. "I- I wouldn't, erm, say that."

"You don't give yourself enough credit," Doc scoffed. "Can I see?"

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