Potions (BOO!)

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Hello! Assuming you're keeping up with the HermittpadRecap , you already know what you're getting into.

And if you're not following them, then gET OUT-

I'm totally kidding, you can stay.

However, I will explain what this is, for those of you who aren't keeping up with the Recap.

Basically, you get "BOO'D" with a prompt, so you have to write or draw something with it. Then, you BOO more people with a new prompt (stick around 'till the end to see who I BOO-)

If that doesn't make sense, consult the Recap :D

No warnings that I can think of!

WC: ~930


A shimmering meadow, lit by the glowing lights of the moon and the stars.

Shadows lurked underneath the treetops, beckoning, calling to the unwary.

There was the sound of a distant rustling of foliage, be it a cute woodland creature, or something unfathomable.

The night was near silent, peaceful and enchanting, almost ominous, like a mystical aura that holds the world in place.

And all of a sudden, it was broken by a scream.

"Don't do that!!" Grian cried, clutching his chest as Scar gasped for breath in the background.

"It was revenge!" Scar protested. "For all the pranking you've done to me!"

Moments earlier, Scar had used an invisibility potion to hide himself while Grian came into his house to steal something or set up a prank. The moment Scar saw Grian had let his guard down, he crept up behind him and grabbed his shirt, yanking him backward with a sudden, sharp movement.

"It's a new Swaggon thing!" Scar laughed. "Like your Magical Mabajerie!"

"Menagerie," Grian corrected him. "And what are you, an alchemist?" Scar wrinkled his nose.

"That sounds so boring," Scar noted. "Picture this, Grian. The Swaggon, under the cover of darkness, lit only by the glowing of blaze rods as a wizard brews up mystical potions!"

"Actually..." Grian said slowly, pausing to think about it. "Maybe... what if we did a sort of pranking challenge? Using only potions, you have to spook someone. And you have to use different ones every time- so invis is already off the list!"

"Oh! That's a wonderful idea!!" Scar cried. "And now the magical potion man role has passed onto you, my friend!" Grian grinned.

"Lucky for you, I already have an idea."

Impulse hummed while working on the mock chocolate river of his candyland in the factory. It was a lot of glass, but it was so worth the effect.


Impulse yelped at the sound, hands going to cover his mouth. Laughter exploded from nearby, and he turned to see Grian hiding in the fake foliage.

"What was that??" Impulse laughed.

"Strength potion on some glass," Grian explained. "It makes a really loud sound. You've been potion-manned!"

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