Countdown (Contest Entry!)

574 28 16


thathermitweirdo HAS A CONTEST




Warnings for character death and all the themes featured in Weirdo's segment!

WC: ~1000


Twenty-four hours.

The words were a chorus, repeating over and over again in his mind.

Twenty-four hours before Xisuma would be gone forever.

He had twenty-four hours to fix everything.

Scar swallowed and laid down another spellbook on the table. The fear of losing Xisuma was daunting enough, but the added risk of the entire server?

All he could do was shake away the thoughts and continue reading.

But if the last hour came...

He'd have no choice but to kill Xisuma.

Twelve hours.

Scar was frantically brewing.

He hadn't slept- how could he? How could he waste eight hours of time when every second was precious?

Scar grit his teeth, opening another book. Why couldn't he be clever like Grian or Joe or Xisuma, like anyone else on the server?

He would've gotten the first two involved, but he couldn't bear the responsibility of telling the Hermits what had happened. They'd all blame him and his recklessness, and rightfully so.

The server may just dissolve into pure chaos, Scar's brain worried. And it'd be all your fault.

Wiping tears from his eyes, he continued reading. Attacking himself wasn't going to get him anywhere.

But it was hard.

He wanted to cave in. He wanted to stop. He didn't want to keep going, didn't want to face the consequences of his actions, didn't want to deal with the fact that the entire server sat on his shoulders.

But for Xisuma, for the rest of the Hermits, he persisted.

Scar would persist indefinitely for the Hermits.

Tango stared at the sleeping Admin, anxiety building in his stomach. He was never the kind of person to be nervous, never the kind to be afraid.

Obviously, his signature attitude and demeanor went out the window with certain situations.

Tango glanced at Keralis, who's expression mirrored his thoughts. Neither of them were used to being solemn, neither used to seeing the dark side of situations.

"I hope Scar finds a cure," Keralis finally whispered. "I don't want Shashwammy to be a bee!"

"Neither do I," Tango mumbled. Xisuma stirred in his sleep, turning to reveal a small antenna poking out of his hair, which was plastered to his forehead with sweat. Keralis sucked in a breath.

Xisuma blinked his eyes open, groaning softly. Keralis stood up and knelt in front of Xisuma, wiping his hair out of his face.

"Mmmngh," he mumbled. "What's going on-" his words were cut off by a hacking cough, and honey splattered out onto Keralis, who flinched.

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