Recap (PixZloy)

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This was requested by shortfilmstv ! I GREATLY apologize for how long this took!!

I don't actually watch Pixl or Zloy- only the Recap- so uh- personalities went yeet.

AU where the Hermits are vloggers and they vlog their real life but it's still Minecraft...? If that makes sense...?

Warning is feeling useless.

WC: ~1100


The Hermitcraft Recap.

One of the most well-known fan products of the Hermitcraft server.

Run by two people- PixlRiffs and ZloyXP.

Within the Hermitcraft community, their names were known almost as well as the names of the Hermits themselves.

They worked together on a small server, separate from their usual ones.

And they worked rather well together.



Zloy snickered as Pixl burst through the door. He wasn't holding his laptop or anything- he didn't need to show Zloy what he did, as Zloy already knew.

The audio file for the Hermitcraft Recap, usually opened to hear Pix's voice.

This time, the other had edited the files together, only to play it, and find his voice had been corrupted into a feminine-American-but-still-with-hints-of-Pix's-voice monstrosity. 

"I don't know," Zloy teased. "What did I do?"

"You know exactly what you did!" Pix huffed. 

"Eh, you sound exactly the same," Zloy snarked. 

"Tell me you saved a copy of the file," Pixl grumbled.

"It's just audio recording!" Zloy joked. "Not that hard, Pix. You can rerecord."


"Just kidding, of course I saved a copy," Zloy snorted, tapping away and quickly sending the real file to Pixl. Pix muttered something under his breath, it was either "thank you", or something a lot ruder.

As Pix was uploading the video to their shared channel, he realized that some of Zloy's words were echoing around in his head.

'Just audio recording'

Pixl swallowed back the thought and continued writing the description of the video.

Is that really what he thinks?

His hands slowed on the keyboard.

I mean... he's not wrong.

I really don't do much for this...

It's just... me reading off lines.

And Zloy seems to do everything else.

Why does Zloy put up with me?

He has a great voice, why doesn't he just read the lines?

He'd be better off without me anyways.


Pix posted the video and got up, guilt swimming in his stomach. He swallowed thickly, assuring himself it was all in his head.

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