Hidden (Grumbo)

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*smacks* GRUMBO!

*with a football helmet and armor because you were expecting this* Mhmm

*yeets device at you*

*catches with baseball glove because you came prepared* Mhm, okay.



I promised a new ship! Grumbo time! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Also, get ready for some Iskall being Iskall. Because Iskall. Omega lol.

This takes place very shortly after Scar's election. The island is still mycelium, but Scar is mayor. (I'm on Team Resistance by the way. Just saying.)

Warnings are second-hand embarrassment. That's not a warning but it needs to be said.

WC: ~270 (iT's A dRaBbLe oKay)


"Relax, Mumbo," Grian said patiently. "No one will find out. Just a quick trip to the Shopping District! Two bros, heading to the District, acting normal 'cuz they're not gay!" Grian laughed at his parody. Mumbo couldn't help but smile at his humor.

"Are we too obvious?" the Redstoner asked for the twelfth time. 

"Nope!" Grian replied for the twelfth time. "Let's just go!"

The two of them equipped their elytra and flew over to the mycelium island. Grian landed next to his Barge.

"Hey, Mumbo, can you help me restock?" Grian asked.

"Sure!" he agreed, following Grian in.

The two of them were unloading shulkers when Iskall came in.

"Hallo Grian and Mumbo!" the Swede said cheerfully. "Here to do some shopping!" Grian smiled and went over to talk to Iskall about special deals and economics and other things. Mumbo didn't really find it too interesting, so he tuned out the conversation.

Until he heard his name.

"How are things going with Mumbo?" Iskall asked. Grian blinked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Grian did a great job of masking the nervousness in his voice.

"Aren't you two dating?"

Grian's face flushed crimson, and Mumbo choked on air.

"W-what?" Mumbo sputtered. "How- what?" Iskall took one look at the flustered pair and burst out into his iconic laughter. 

"Did you seriously think we didn't know?" Iskall asked when he calmed down. 

"We?" Grian asked, his voice practically a whimper. 

"All of the Hermits. You guys aren't exactly secretive." 

"How did you know?" Mumbo asked.

"Well, you two were obviously in love since the start, everyone could see that-"


Bad ending. I know. DON'T RUB SALT IN THE WOUND.


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