All-Nighter (Beetho)

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I mean, didn't I say I'd write more Beetho? Oh yep.

I do plan to divert from the prompt a bit, so watch out.

The two of them are in college.

Warnings aren't existent.

Setting is somewhere (real-life AU haha)

WC: ~560 (I was tired. Still am)


Etho yawned. He had been up all night finishing projects and studying. Tomorrow he had a chemistry test, and he had planned to meet up with Beef, who shared the class. Etho smiled at the thought. His feelings for the male were always present, although Etho refused to confess. Etho shook his head and exited his apartment, walking out the building and over to Beef's.

"Hey Beef!" Etho said cheerfully as his best friend opened the door.

"Etho!" Beef's melodious voice was filled with joy. "Ready to study?"

"Wow, can you make it seem less appealing?" Etho asked with a laugh, entering the room and kicking off his shoes.

"Ready to spend time making sure that you have a good life?" Beef tried again, a smile growing on his face. 

"Eh, too scary," Etho told him.

"Reeeeady to spend time with me?" Beef dragged out the 'e'. Etho giggled.


The two of them sat down together on Beef's couch and looked over their notes. Formulas, chain reactions, cause and effect, memorizing, memorizing, memorizing. Beef had his laptop open on his lap, and Etho was sitting right next to him.

Etho felt his eyes start to drift shut, only for him to rip them open. He couldn't fall asleep, not when he was supposed to be studying. Not when he was...

Etho couldn't fight it back, and he drifted off into sleep.

"Etho? You up?" Etho woke up to a beautiful voice and a face full of black fabric. 

"Whaaaa-" Etho mumbled. He blinked the sleep of his eyes.

"You fell asleep," Beef explained. Etho's vision slowly cleared, and he noticed... oh stars.

Etho's head was rested on Beef's chest, close to his heart. Beef had one arm around Etho, and the other tapping away at his laptop. 

"Sorry," Etho muttered, feeling his face warm up.

"It's fine," Beef assured him with a laugh. "I don't really mind. Just don't pull any more all-nighters. It's not healthy, you know."

"I- how did you know?" Etho asked.

"Oh, I knew since the moment you got here," Beef explained. "Your eyes usually have a lively glint in them, and your voice usually is bright and excited. There was none of that today. And it was obvious you were trying not to fall asleep. Plus, y'know..." Beef took his hand off his laptop to trace Etho's face, right under his eyes. "Bags."

"How long was I asleep?" Etho wondered. 

"About half an hour," Beef told him. "You can, no, you should sleep more. You need it." Etho felt his face burn. What is he saying? Like- like this? 

"I- uh-" Etho stuttered, unable to find words. Beef giggled.

"You're cute when you're asleep," Beef murmured, setting aside his laptop to pull Etho closer. "You know I like you, right?" 

"I- you- really?" Etho's face was probably a vivid red by now. Beef chuckled and ran a hand through Etho's hair. 

"Yeah," Beef replied. "Hope you don't mind." There was a teasing air around the words, and a smile came to Etho's face.

"Oh no, the guy I'm in love with likes me," Etho's voice was quiet, but still playful. "Whatever shall I do?"

"I have an idea," Beef offered, his voice dropping to match Etho's. "If you're ready."

"I am," Etho told him softly. Tilting his head up, Etho caught one look of Beef's dream-blue eyes before he kissed him.

Lazy ending! What's new? Not too proud of this one, but shoving it out anyways because I feel like it. 


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