chapter 56

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It was the next day and I woke up quite early so after a while of just laying wrapped in Alex's arms I slowly got up and went downstairs.  His parents were sat at the table talking about something but stopped when k came in. Maybe I shouldnt have come down. "Good morning Isabelle. Did you sleep ok" his mum asked and I nod "yes thanks" I reply. Maybe I could use this as my chance to ask about the man. Daniel. "can I ask about your friend, the one that was here last night" I start still a little unsure as to where I was going with this. Thankfully they nod in agreement. "Does he live around here and is he part of the gang stuff and if so does his family know" I ask a series of questions purposely mentioning his family. "We actually dont know where he lives. He went of the grid for almost 10 years until recently.  He doesnt have any family" they reply before I could say anything, Alex walked in "yes him and his wife had to flee and fake their own death. Some sick monsters were trying to kill their kids" this new piece of news effected me massively. Was this him? I damn well hope so.

After breakfast, Alex and I hung out throughout the day. His parents left around an hour ago and since then we hadnt been apart. The others would be back soon and I could finally share my new found knowledge with Jack.

"You seem distracted" alex states. I wasnt suprised he noticed, I was barely talking and barely watching the tv that was on in the background. I couldnt take my mind of Daniel. "Yeah I just need to speak to Jack" I tell him. He didnt look to happy but nodded "they should be back anytime soon" thank god. As if on que the front door opened and talking was heard. I wasted no time in getting to the front door with Alex following close behind. "Jack" I say getting his attention before hugging him. He hugs back and chuckles "I missed you too".

After a few minutes we pull away and before anyone can say anything I speak "jack we need to talk, like right now" he looks at me confused but nods. I lead him upstairs and we end up going to his room as I didnt want him to see Alex's stuff in my room.


Isabelle was distracted all morning. It seemed to be Daniels fault because it started after she asked him but I couldnt be sure because that was at the very start of the morning, she could be distracted over numerous things. I would have been worried however she wasnt hurt and she didnt seem upset so I just figured I would wait till she let's me in. I also figured when she wanted to talk with Jack it was a family thing, making me glad I didnt try ask.
"What's with them" henry asked as we watched them go upstairs.  I shrug "I don't know" I tell him although I wished I knew.


I had told jack about Daniel and what Alex's parents and alex said and he was in shock.
"Could it be him" I ask and he nods, a wide smile was present on his face but then it turns into a scowl "why did they leave us, why didnt they come back for us" he states with anger but just his queries made me rethink. What if today was an accident and he didnt want anything to do with us? What if he wasnt him?  So many questions swirled in my head. "Maybe he thought he was protecting us like you did" I say and he nods "I hope so" as he says this he stands and I give him a questioning look. "Come on, we are going on a little trip" I automatically think the worst after our last trip but I push those thoughts aside "where to" I ask and he flashes me a smile "to find him of course" I was confused, we didnt know where he lived how were we going to find him. "I'll contact Alex's parents and ask for a number" he explained and I nodded, happy with the answer.

I came home expecting nothing more than a simple greeting but when Isabelle wanted to talk my mind was filled with questions all regarding if she was ok. I hoped nothing bad had happened. I don't know what I expected but it definitely wasnt this. How could it be?
I was happy at first with the strong possibility it was him but then anger rose. Why the hell did he not come back? Did he hate us?
Then Isabelle calmed me by suggesting he did it to protect us like I did. I felt guilty knowing I left her with such awful people but I knew all I could do now was spend each day making it up to her.
We had to find him. We needed answers. With this in my mind I suggested we go on a road trip.

We had told Alex we were going out and spending some time together he was reluctant and after threatening my life he allowed us to go. I got why he was being like that though, after what I did to her, I dont even think she fully trusts me.


It cant be her. After all this time, she was there. She wasnt at the school. But was it her. It had to have been. I had to know for sure. I had to find out more. She was always so energetic and friendly but as I looked into her eyes a second for this first time since I saw her again all I saw was pain and fear. I just wish I could go back in time, I would change everything. I wouldnt let some idiots threaten me. I would do things differently. God I hope it's her, I hope she forgives me.

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