chapter 4

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"And here is where you will sleep" I say to her and open the door for her. We step inside and a look of confusion and fear cross her face.  The room itself was a grey theme, it wasnt too big and was one a few spare bedrooms I had.

  The room itself was a grey theme, it wasnt too big and was one a few spare bedrooms I had

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"Do you like it" I ask suddenly feeling a little nervous. What if she hates it, what if she hates grey.  "Its really nice sir, I just dont get why you are letting me have it" she replied. I didnt understand for a few minutes on why she didnt get why I was letting her have it. It was a basic room in this house, nothing special. Then the fact that she was possibly mistreated came to mind. I had to find out.
"I think we should talk" I say and she gulps. Usually I would talk in my office but I wanted to make this as relaxed as possible so I sat on the end of the bed and patted the space next too me.  She shakely sits down, I could see she was terrified.
"So you mentioned your parents were dead" I start, i was nervous to have this conversation. I didnt want to say something and it come out in the wrong way. "Yes sir, when I was 9" she replied. She lost her parents at such a young age. "Are you currently in care or did you get fostered or adopted" I ask and tears began to roll down her cheek. "adopted" she says but the fear in her  voice as she said it, didnt go unnoticed. "And do they take care of you well" I ask being  90% that they don't. "Yes" she replied. Wait what.  I look at her more carefully and I could see it was obvious she was lying. I can spot when someone is lying and she was. Why though? I didnt get it. "We will come back to this" I say not wanting to drop it until I knew the truth. "I'll have someone bring you dinner up later along with some clothes" I say and stand up. "Are you going to kill me" I hear her ask which made me turn and look at her. "If you give me a reason to then yes" I reply and walk out. I might have scared her a little saying that but just saying no might make her think she can get away with anything.  If she screws up there will be consequences.
"So is she feeling better"
I turn and i see nick stood at the entrance of my office waiting for me to arrive. "Only time will tell. Get your sister to bring her food and some clothes" i tell him and he nods. "I will"
"So I presume you're not just here to check on the wellbeing of Isabelle" I say as we enter my office. "Nope, I got a update on the russians" he said. The Russians had been stealing our shipments lately and it was getting annoying. I sent one of my men to find out any information on them because we were sure that we had a mole. Only a limited amount of people knew of the shipment details like where and when so the Russians couldnt have known without being told. We havent announced that we have a mole yet as we wanted to catch them.


It was different here, i expected to be thrown in the basement or something but instead I was given my own room. He asked me about John and veronica but I lied. I couldnt tell him, i couldnt tell anyone. No matter how much i wanted too they would kill me if they found i had told. I may not see them again but i know that they will find out, they always find a way.
I was beyond tired and the bed looked invited so I laid down on it hoping to rest.
I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I heard was a knocking on the door. "Come in" I say not wanting to move, I was still exhausted,  the only sleep I get is when they knock me out. "Hi I'm Reagan, I brought food and clothes." The girl said setting it down on the bench type thing at the end of the bed. "Thank you, I'm isabelle" I reply. She smiles and I couldnt help but return it, she was the first in a long time to show kindness to me. "You look a mess, no offence" she said and I couldnt help but laugh a little at the way she said it. It wasn't in a insulting way like everyone else did so I didnt feel bad. "Well I blame it on getting kidnapped" I say and she cracks up laughing. "You're funny, I hope we can be friends. Dont worry about the kidnapping thing though it's great here, you will love it" she said after  laughing.  "Friends?" I ask, why would she want to be my friend. It made no sense. I hadnt had a friend in years and the possibility of having one made me feel somewhat normal and happy. "Of course, now you need to eat. Wait I'm gonna fetch you some of my shower products...they are all still unopened so dont worry" she said and gave me the tray of delicious looking food before leaving again. I looked down and saw it was lasagne with salad and a glass of water accompanied it. It looked so good and I began eating.
I must have been hungry because it was soon gone. Reagan walked in as I was having the last mouthful. She had her hands full with products all  not been used. I wonder why.
"Here, the bathroom is through there, I'll wait for you and maybe we can watch a film together in my room" she said handing me the products and motioning towards another door. "Is that allowed" I asked referring to the film thing. I was scared of the mans reaction if he found out. "Yeah" she replied and fell on my bed. I grab the pjs she left and made my way to the bathroom.
She was right though about me looking a mess, the makeup used to cover my bruises was fading and my hair had become tangled. I peeled of my clothes and set the temperature of the shower to warm, I desperately wanted a hot shower but I knew it would be inappropriate to use the mans hot water so I opted for Luke walm. After a quick and well needed shower I changed into the pyjamas given. I suddenly felt very self conscious, the pjs consisted of some shorts and a tshirt. My bruises on my legs and arms could be seen and without any makeup to cover it up I felt like I couldnt go out. Maybe I could ask reagan for another set. I knew that would be rude an inappropriate though so I just slipped on my hoodie to hide my arms, hopefully she wont notice the bruises. I take a deep breath and walk out. "Heyyy" she says and sits up from my bed. "Sorry I kept you waiting" I reply feeling bad about it. "Nah you're fine, I took the tray back down and spoke to my brother then came back a few minutes ago" she said. "Okay" I reply and she gets up "let's go" she grabs my arm and I stupidly make the mistake of wincing from a bruise that she touched. She noticed and she looked at me "you ok" she asks, I nod in response but she looks me up and down and her eyes stop at my legs. "Who did this" she asked looking at them. I couldnt tell her though. "No one, I just fell pretty badly" i reply hoping she believed it. "I dont believe you" she said and rolled up my hoodie sleeve before I could stop her. She gasped at the sight of it and I couldnt help as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I'm sorry" I reply. "You need to tell the boss, he can help" she says softly and I shake my head. He was scary and I wanted to avoid him as much as possible. "Ok let's just watch a film, we will sort this out tommorow " she replies.

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