chapter 58

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To say I was in shock was a understatement. Jack was alive, all these years and he was alive. I had got into contact with the orphanage they were in a few years back, Jack had run away and Isabelle was being adopted. I tried to find jack but with no trace it was presumed he was dead. I never expected my children to show up at this old motel. I hadnt expected visiting some old friends could end up in me finding them.
"So did you plan on ever finding us" Jack asked which hurt. Of course I did. "Actually I thought you were dead jack, after enquiring about you both at the orphanage and finding you had run away I searched but nothing came up, it was like you had dropped off the earth. As for you Isabelle,  I was told you were getting adopted and I figured you would have a better life. When I heard about the school being destroyed I began looking for you as  I knew you attended it. I was devastated when I heard there was no survivors.  I began to do research and part of me believed it was the guys after me years ago" I explain.  By the end of it both my children had tears in their eyes. "Please dont leave me again dad"  Isabelle says, I just wanted to hug her and comfort her but due to being in the car I couldnt. "I promise I will never leave again" I tell them both. It was a promise that i was going to keep, no matter what.

He was alive. My dad was alive. As much as I wanted to be angry with him I couldnt. People were trying to kill us and to stop them he had to leave. He did it to protect us. I was just overwhelmed with emotion because I had my dad back. I had come to terms with the loss of my family over the years, first mum and dad then Jack. Then I met alex and I now have so many people in my life. I had family, something that was missing in my life for years.

We arrived at the house and Jack had plastered a serious look on his face. "We are going to go talk to Alex, it's late so you can sleep in the spare bedroom tonight and tommorow I will help you get an apartment in town" jack explained. Dad nodded "you have grown up so much" he stated but jack didnt reply instead he got out and both me and dad did the same. I quickly hugged Dad not being able to do so in the car. "Lets go" jack spoke and led us inside. Dad rolled his eyes at jack and smiled at me. I gladly took his hand when he offered. It felt so good to have my dad back.
"Alex we need to talk" jack shouted as we entered. Alex came out from the living room and into the hallway seconds later. His eyes went to Daniel's and i hands. He scowled as he eyed them before looking at jack "yes I think we do, my office now all of you" ok he was in a bad mood, his tone was cold and I didnt like seeing him like this. I let go of Dads hand and went and hugged alex. Only he didnt hug back, he always hugs back. "You two go" he ordered jack and dad. Jack nodded and led Daniel upstairs.  "Why were you holding his hand" he asked still using the cold tone. I hated it and I stepped back "I'm sorry" I quietly say as memories of them come flooding back. My adopted parents and John's friends would haunt me for the rest of my life, I dreaded doing something they didnt approve of, I was always punished. Alex clearly didnt approve of this and he was so cold...he wouldnt or would he?
Sensing my discomfort and fear he stepped forward, before I could take another step back he pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry angel, I guess I got a bit protective maybe even jealous" he whispered as I slowly relaxed. Hearing he was jealous made me laugh, he had nothing to be jealous of. "Daniel, hes my dad" I whisper and the hug I'm receiving tightens upon hearing this. "I thought you said" he starts and I nod. "But hes alive" I finish and Alex pulls away from the hug, I notice how angry he was. "He left you, he left you alone" he stated. "Those fuckers hurt you whilst he was doing god knows what" he shouted his hands made fist shapes and I gulped. I kept reminding myself he wouldnt do that. "I know, he had a reason though. Please just hear him out" I try and after a minute of deciding he nods "why dont you go watch tv ur get something to eat" he suggested. I gathered this was him basically telling me he didnt want me in the room so I agreed.

I just hoped everything would go ok.

I was fuming, he left his children. I dont care if someone was threatening to kill them. He left them and Isabelle got hurt. Was there a pattern in this family, first he left her then Jack left her. I hated knowing that they were doing normal daily stuff whilst she was terrified of doing little things such as eating and sleeping.

I walked into the office, my face was cold and didnt give anything away. "So Daniel where you been all these years" I ask wanting the truth. I wouldnt let him ruin my Angel's life again. I knew he probably wanted to be part of her life, she probably wanted that too but if I found any reason that I believed him to be dangerous or untrustworthy then she wouldnt see him on her own, I would make sure I was there too. I had to protect her.

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