chapter 15

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I look at the girl, the girl crying into my chest. This girl was broken, she was afraid and most importantly she was my sister.
I felt awful for the way I had been treating her, but that's just me I guess.
"Why did you leave me" she asks, her words broke my heart. The reason why I left, it was to protect her.
"To protect you" I tell her and she pushes me away. "Well you did a crap job" and she rolls up her sleeves and I see her arms are littered with bruises. How? "Who did this to you" I ask feeling angry that someone could even consider hurting her. "Just leave me alone" she says and leaves. Wtf. Someone had hurt her and I would make them pay.

I shouldnt have said that, I shouldnt have walked out either. He would tell alex I was rude then alex would get angry, or even one of his friends.  Maybe even jack  will get angry, I saw the look of anger on his face. I should never have shown my arms but I got so annoyed. He left to 'protect' me and yet he was never there when i needed protecting.
"Hey kid, you ok" I look up and see henry and ben. Henry had asked me if I was ok. I'm pretty sure he wanted to dump my body in a field the other day.  "I'm fine" I reply not wanting to talk to them. "Shouldnt you be in the gym" ben asked. "Why are you here" I ask in return. "We live here" henry shrugged. "Well can I get past" I ask since they were in front of me. "Why, where are you going" ben asked looking at me like I was about to go murder the whole gang. "Away from you" I tell him. "You should learn a bit of respect" ben glares. I thought henry was the worst one but it seems ben might be.
"I know how to respect people" I said quietly. What the hell was I doing, probably earning myself a beating. "Then fucking show it, or I will make you show it" ben snarled and I backed away. "Seriously ben, boss will be furious now" henry says.

"What's going on here"

I turn and see jack, he was now stood behind me.  He looked annoyed. He was probably annoyed with me for walking out. "I was just asking if she was ok  Henry said. "And what about you ben" jack was glaring at ben. This was all my fault, if I hadn't have left, none of this would be happening.  It was always my fault. I shouldnt be here. "You know that bitch doesnt belong here, but for some weird reason alex wants her here, just cause she has the boss' protection doesnt mean she can get away with showing no respect" ben rants, looking at me like I was dirt. "I'm sorry sir, I just wanted to get past" I whisper,  tears threatening to fall I anticipated the torture that would come from my stupid behaviour. "Well I heard the last bit of the conversation and if you ever lay a hand on her I will chop it off" jack threatens. I shudder at his words. How could this be my brother.  But it was and he had definitely changed.
"Let's go cookie" jack says to me and puts his arm around me. I couldnt help but smile at the nickname.
I couldnt help but think back to how I got the name.

It was Saturday and dad had taken jack to football practise, me and mum decided to bake cookies. Its was really fun as we made all different shapes.
"Mummy can I have one" I ask looking at the cookies that were cooling down. "Not yet hun, they need a little bit more time to cool"
Dad and Jack came home soon after and mum said we could each have one. They tasted delicious. "They are great cookies" jack said. "Obviously they are, my two favourite girls made them, isnt that right princess" dad said looking at me and I nod. "Mummy let me make different shapes arent they great" I say and begin rambling about how we made them. "Cookie" jack exclaimed. We all looked at him to explain "dad gets to call you princess, mum calls you hun. I wanted to be a to give you a nickname." He says like it was the most obvious name. "So you chose cookie" I ask and he nods "you're great at making cookies, cookie"

"What you thinking about" jack asked, I guess it was obvious I wasnt at all listening to whatever he was saying. "Just about the time you decided to call me cookie" I tell him and a large smile appeared on his face. "I'm glad you still remember, hey you wanna make some" he said. I was confused at this, wouldnt Alex get annoyed. "Dont worry no one will even bother, come on cookie we are making some. We will make them in all different shapes and sizes" he announced and practically dragged me to the kitchen, he seemed so excited.

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