chapter 29

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I knew watching the news was a bad idea, I saw the fear she had in her eyes as she watched tv. She probably thought I was a monster. I wouldnt blame her though.
She shakely left and I left too. Even if she hated me right now, I was not letting her walk around the house on her own, not after ben.

Ben. Just thinking of him made me want to rip him to pieces. I will torture him slowly and I wont stop there.  Right now he was probably locked in the basement cells begging for his life and he will be staying there, all alone in the dark until his body reaches the point where it starts to shut down, then I would begin the torture.

"I'm sorry for what happened " I tell her as I realize we have made it too her door. I really was sorry, I hated myself for killing all those kids, I got caught up in the moment.
I had access to the reports and files on the case, alot of officers had suspicions so no doubt a bigger investigation would be opened. That officer on tv, he could potentially be a problem. I was responsible for the death of his daughter, he was definitely going to be thorough, luckily my men knew how to cover their tracks.
"Stay with me"
What. Why would she want me to stay with her especially after seeing the report.
"Are you sure" I ask, hoping she was and fortunately she was. I agreed to stay for a while and she walked in.
"I..I'm gonna get changed" she says and I nod. "I'll be here" I tell her and she grabs some night clothes and walks into the bathroom.
I was confused at why I was here. I was a killer, I beat her brother up, i held a gun to her...twice! Why does she keep giving me chances, I was grateful but I wanted to know more. Just then my phone went off.
I answered, seeing it was one of my men who worked as a cop. It was always useful to have someone in the inside.
"Got an update boss" he spoke getting straight to the point.
"Yes go for it" I say and he is hesitant.
"We have survivors, we are telling the media no survivors as it's in their best interest the killers dont come back for them" he states. Fuck. This was bad.
"How many" I ask slowly
"Quite alot, but they will suffer amnesia and yes we have made sure they arent faking it. They remember nothing of that day" he informs and I let out a sigh of relief. I felt less guilty now, then I remembered that officer, I seriously hope his girl was one that survived, maybe then he wouldnt tty so hard to solve the case "what about officer Isaacs kid" I ask. "Dead, I'll drop by and give you a full list of survivors and dead tommorow,  just dont go killing them" he said and my face dropped. Just great.  I wasnt gonna kill those kids  so he really didnt need to say that. "I wont kill them" I tell him and end the call as I see izzy emerge from the bathroom.
I look again and see she has been crying, definitely my fault. She comes straight to me and hugs me. Maybe it wasnt me?
"Officer Isaacs was my adopted dad" she whispers and my blood turns cold. How the fuck dare he. How fucking dare he go on tv and say those things after he hurt her. "Its ok, I'm here now, I'll protect you" I comfort her and she grins, it was tiny but visable. "Want me to lay with you for a bit" I ask and she nods.
We make our way to the bed and once in  I feel her come closer, I wrap my arm around her and make sure shes comfortable before laying down. She drifts off but I cant, I instead I run my fingers through her hair.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I hear is screaming, I open my eyes and see she is having a nightmare.
"No, no get off me. Not there" she cries and I start shaking her to wake up. Eventually she does and her eyes are red whilst her cheeks are puffy. "Wanna talk about it" I ask and she shakes her head, I was expecting that though.
"I'm always here angel, you can tell me anything" I say and she nods. "T..those other officers were John's friends, they hurt me too. Seeing them all brought up memories" she tells me which  broke my heart.
"I'll never hurt you angel"

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