chapter 30

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She had fallen asleep only moments ago and I wanted to go and kill those bastards but instead I stayed and held her. I dont want her to be alone, I know I'm a monster for the things I've done but they were worse. Much worse. Just thinking back to when she opened up to me, I wanted to rip them apart. My torture room has a special place waiting for them, if they are lucky they will get to be my test subjects for my new devices.

Morning soon came and I was still holding her, I had drifted off thinking of different methods of torture. She was clung to the shirt I was wearing still, as if I'd disappear any second if she let go but that was also how I was holding her. I was never letting her go.

"Hey cookie, I made breakfast" I look up and see jack walking in. He stops as he notices me. I look at him and he glares back. I wasnt too bothered as I knew he was just being protective.
"The fuck are you doing in here" he asks and i roll my eyes "she asked me to stay" I whisper so I didnt wake her up. "As if, you killed a bunch of children and she asks you to stay. That's bullshit" he was angry and the shouting woke her up. She looks up at me then down at her hands and quickly removes them. She mumbles an apology then sits up. "Why is he here" jack asks her in a tone which made her move closer to me. He was scaring her and I didnt like it, not one bit. "Leave jack, you're scaring her" I tell him and he rolls his eyes "I'm not a killer" and she looks at him with suprise. "You're not" she asks and he shakes his head. "Unlike alex who ordered a whole school to be killed" he says and she moves away from me. Fuck you Jack.
"H..hes r..right" and she gets out of bed and moves away from me.
"Alot of kids survived though, they dont remember anything from that day, I got told by Daniels" I say and I see a little fear disappear from her face but alot still remained.
"Still doesnt mean your not a killer" jack shrugged. Fucking dick.
"Let's go get breakfast izzy" he tells her and panic fills her. Oh shit, the kitchen.
"Izzy come here" I say slightly panicking, I didnt want her to go into shock. She looks at me with fear so i go to her instead. I pull her into a hug and hold her while she cries. "Hey it's ok, I'm here, I got you" I tell her and she hugs me tighter as more tears escape her eyes. "Shit, what happened" jack says, he was panicking and before I could say anything , izzy speaks "ben, h...hhe h..hee d..did s...tuff" her stutter was hard to hear as I knew it was caused from fear. A angry look forms on Jack's face, I was just glad izzy couldnt see or she would be terrified.
"What sorta stuff" jack asks trying to sound calm but he was clearly angry. She was shaking by now as she cried. Fuck. "Hey angel it's ok, you want have to go into the kitchen again. Jack go bring her breakfast up here" I say ignoring his question. Jack nods and leaves the room. At least he had the sense to do that. "Izzy, its gonna be ok. We gonna get through this" I say.

Fuck. As I stood there comforting her, I started to realize I was beggining to fall in love with this girl.

Well i guess it could be worse.

No. No it couldnt. This was bad, loving her meant risking her life. I could never allow that to happen.

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