chapter 24

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"He did what" alex shouted.
Right now we were in his office, I had just finished explain everything that had happened with Ben. To say he was furious was a understatement, to say he was scary was also a understatement.
Right now he was pacing up and down throwing things against the wall as he muttered to himself about the ways he would kill ben.
"I will fucking kill the bastard, slow and painful,  I will cut of his dick and make him eat it" he shouted and punched the wall.

Jeez. I know this was a serious matter but I couldnt help laugh at what he said. I guess I was becoming unhinged.

His head snapped towards me and realization washes over him, he had been so angry he forgot I was there.  "I'm sorry angel if I'd have gone after you and went to dinner with you none of this would have happened" he said looking at me with so much sadness. He opened his arms and I was straight in them, hugging the life out of him just as he was doing too me . "You're safe" he whispers along with a few other sweet things.
I dont know how long we were stood like that but after a while a knock interrupts us. It was henry, he walked straight in after the knock. Alex didnt separate us so I stayed in his arms.

Wait it was henry, apparently he knew what ben did. "Boss" he asked cautiously looking between us too. "Yeah"  alex asked holding me tighter. "Its about ben" Henry said
Oh no.
Just the mention of his name set him off again ranting about killing him, his grip on me tightened so much so a pain began to creep up on me however I knew it wasnt on purpose rather it was him being protective.
"What did that fucker do" alex asked with so much hatred in his voice, his grip tightened further.
"Err well I have reason to suspect he might be a threat to us" henry says clearly nervous.
"A threat, you think hes a threat. Well let me tell you, time I'm done with him there will be nothing left" he shouted, his grip now tightened in anger.
Fuck. This was beyond painful,  I was used to being in pain and staying quiet. John had taught me that one of my purposes was to let people use me to take their anger out on. So I stayed quiet, I let Alex's grip tighten knowing  i would be severely bruised but I didnt want him to lash out further.

Henry noticed my discomfort and frowned. I bet he was wondering why I didnt say anything to alex, I wish I could but john and veronica had taught me this was my purpose, I shouldn't fight it or it will get worse.

"Boss you're hurting her" Henry says quickly and alex lets go of me so quick as if I was poison.  "fuck, why didnt you tell me. I'm sorry, I sometimes dont realize my own strength.  Fuck." He said with concern.
"its o..ok" I say not being able to prevent the stutter.
"Ok stay here I'm just gonna be right outside the door with henry" he said and I nod.
I knew he didnt want me alone, he wasnt going to risk it. Both men stepped out and I took this as a chance to look at how bad the bruises were, I rolled ip my sleeves and saw dark purple bruises, they were ugly and I shuddered knowing that alex did this, although not on purpose it still made fear consume me at the thought of what he was capable of.

"You knew and you didnt tell me" alex shouted and a painful scream could be heard. "Thanks to you, she got hurt further" he shouted again and a grunt of pain was heard. He was hurting henry, even though we got of to a terrible start, I had started to warm up to Henry. "I'm sorry boss please, forgive me I beg you" Henry's broken voice could be heard.
I couldnt take anymore so I stepped out, yes I was aware of the risks but I couldnt let it continue.
Once I stepped out, the sight I saw made me tremble in fear. Henry was laid on the ground with a broken arm, his eye was starting to swell and Alex had a gun to his head. Wtf. What made this scene worse was that nick had appeared and he was just watching it unfold along with a few other men I had yet to meet.
"Any last words" alex asked giving him a swift kick to the ribs.
"You fucking asshole, you should have killed her at the school, at least that way she wouldn't live through the torture you are going to put her through, she will wake up every day frightened about whether you will finally end her. She is surrounded by criminals and you know the worst thing, you're either gonna drive her to insanity or turn her innocent soul into a criminal" henry ranted, as much as what he thought about killing me at the school wasnt pleasant but the rest he had a point, he was right about everything.  "Bullshit, I'm not going to kill her and she knows that" alex said but he was uncertain.  Wait, if he was telling the truth I could use this too my advantage.  Without hesitation I stepped in front of henry and the loaded gun pointed at him.
"Go back to my office Isabelle" he told me in a authoritative tone.  I didn't listen, I couldnt let him kill Henry. He glanced around and saw he had an audience this made him turn even scarier. He lowered the gun and made his way closer too me "trust me little girl, I may not kill you but if needs be I will teach you a lesson" he whispered. His threat tore me apart, he had told me I was safe, that no one would hurt me, that he would protect me. He had been nice...well as nice as a criminal can be. Now he had turned, he had become a monster. I thought john and veronica were the ideal parents at first, they treated me so nicely, they showed me love, they cared when no one else did but then they turned. Just like alex. Alex was no different.
"No" I whisper and alex looks suprised. "I can't do it again, I cant go through the pain again" I say suddenly finding myself wishing he was pointing a gun at me.
A pained expression fell onto Alex's face but he quickly masked it with a hate filled glare "I dont care, now leave" he said and raised the gun. "Fuck, just leave izzy, I cant allow you to get hurt for me, i fucking deserve this, i fucked up and this is the punishment i deserve" henry said and when I looked at him all I saw was guilt and sadness. "Nick take her to my office" alex said and nick complies. "Never get in the way of the boss and business" he whispers before trying to move me, I wouldnt so he picked me up in which i struggled. "I hate you, I fucking hate you, you are just like my so called parents, you're everything I hate" I scream to alex as nick carry's me over his shoulder.

Gasps of surrounding people could be heard and for a brief moment I thought it was finally happening,  he was going to kill me.

"Trust me angel I'm nothing like them"

Sooo this chapter was suppose to be nice and sweet, but I turned it into this. Damn.

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