chapter 60

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I could hear the shouting and murder threats coming from downstairs, it terrified me knowing it was Alex. I was still in shock that it was the same Alex who would comfort me after nightmares. I didnt really have time to process anything because Nick walked in looking annoyed "Isabelle, the police want to talk with you" he stated and I felt a panic attack starting to build up. I understood Alex's rage now and I felt some what relieved that he wasnt a complete psycho.

Nick led me downstairs and to the living room,  I was freaking out about what they could possibly want. Had john said something? Was it John? No. Alex wouldnt let him in the house. It definitely wouldnt be John's friends, after telling Alex what they did he was beyond angry, i knew that he would be going after them.

I enter the room and see two police officers, Alex, Dad and Jack all sat talking about the incident at the school. For a minute I was relieved it wasnt anything to do with John or Veronica but the realization that it was about the school that Alex attacked got me on edge.
"Yes what happened was a tragedy" I heard Alex say as I approached slowly. I mentally rolled my eyes, he really was laying it on. I decide to make my presence known "hi" god i must look stupid. Alex looks at me and gives me a small smile "sweetheart these officers have come to talk to you about the school, just tell them anything you can remember" dad spoke with a smile. He clearly wadnt aware of the true cause. "Yes hes right, even if you dont think it's relevant tell us. We do ask that we do the interview with just yourself so please can you three leave" one officer said and I began to panic. They cant leave me with them. What if...? No I couldnt go there. "Cant they stay" I say, I knew if I was alone with them I was go into a panic attack. The officers seemed to sense my panic and the other spoke "you may choose one to be in the room with you" ok that was better than none of them.
But who do I choose.
Alex knows everything but I was afraid I would slip up and he would get arrested or angry with me.
I felt like dad would press me for more information and I was afraid I would slip up with him too.
Jack would only get angry with Alex, he hated what happened and talking about it would just bring up more anger.
After careful consideration I made up my mind.
"Can you stay alex" I whisper, choosing him because he knew how bad my fear was. I was afraid I'd slip up with all of them, although Alex I was more terrified that I'd slip up.

Alex seemed shocked at this "are you sure" he asked, I knew it was because he didnt expect to be chosen as he had started it. I nod and a small smile makes it's way onto his face. He sat down and I joined him sitting as close as possible to him whilst dad and Jack left.
"Ok so we spoke to your dad, Mr Issacs has informed us you were presumed to be dead but turned up a few weeks ago and are now living with friends. Is this correct?
I nod, it wasnt far from the truth so I waxnt exactly lying. "We would like verbal communication miss" the officer spoke. I gulped, of course they did. "Yeah" my voice was barely audible but they nodded in response.
"Can you run through the events that happened leading up to the incident" the 2nd officer asked.
Yep I was in history and Alex came and took us to the hall, killed a girl, spared me but kidnapped me and ordered a massacre.
Of course I couldnt say that but thinking about it made me hesitant to trust Alex, he was a bad person, he was a criminal....and yet I still liked him, alot more than a friend.
"Uh well it was a normal day and then I was in history" I start off, trying to stick closest to the truth as possible.  I see Alex tense up but I also notice that he made no effort to stop me. "And then what happened"   the officer was being patient which I appreciated. "Well the teacher asked me to go get some books from another classroom" well hear goes nothing. I was lying to the police, I was giving them some bullshit story that was completely made up.
"I dont really remember what happened,  the next thing I heard was the alarm and I knew I had to get out of school, so I ran to the exit. I didnt know where to go. I was going to tell John but everything seemed to go by in a second and instead I called Alex who picked me up and let me crash here for a bit  I wanted to come forward to the police to let them know I was alive but it's just been so traumatic and I did eventually go speak to John who told me he would sort it and I shouldnt worry" I explained and damn even I believed myself. I noticed both police officers take notes as spoke. I felt like they would call me out any minute and looking down I noticed my hands shaking. Crap. "You ok" Alex whispers, I reply with a nod and he offers me a small smile. "Ok thank you that was helpful, in your opinion do you think it could have been a attack? Did you see anyone suspicious that say?"  The officer asked. Yes. "No it was definitely an accident" another lie which they believe. They stood up and I gulped. "Thank you for your time, we will be in touch if we need to ask more questions" one of them spoke. Me and Alex then shook their hands and they quickly left.

As soon as the door shut, I broke down crying. Not only because I had to think about that day again but because the fear had become overwhelming. I hated police thanks to them.
Alex quickly pulled me into a hug and kept whispering how sorry he was.

Even I would have believed the story she just told if I hadnt been there. I didnt know how to feel when she chose me to stay, I was expecting her to choose Jack. I was the one responsible for all this, when we sat to talk I realized why she had chosen me. I was the only one who knew exactly what those cops did to her.

Once they left she broke down crying, I felt immense guilt. I was the cause, I shouldn't have gone inside that day. God, I was such a screw up. "I'm so sorry angel" I whisper as I pull her into a hug. She cries further but wraps her arms around me. My poor angel.
"Did I do okay" she whispered out of nowhere. This confused me. Did she do ok at what? "With what" I ask. "The interview, I didnt screw up did I. I'm really sorry if I did,  I didnt mean too" she cried and damn that just shattered my heart. I hated how she was worried about screwing up a interview,  how she looked up at me with fear. Wait fear? I looked down and I was correct I saw fear. Was she scared of me?
"You know you could have told them the truth and I wouldnt consider it a screw up. I wouldnt be annoyed or anything. I hope you're not afraid of me angel. I will never ever hurt you, no matter what you do or say. You are my angel and nothing is ever going to change that"

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