chapter 57

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Jack talked Alex's dad into giving us a number and made him swear not to tell anyone. We were going to ring him but the risk of him not wanting to talk was high and Jack decided that he didnt want to be caught off guard in case this was a trap so he got some tech people to trace thr number which led us here. We were now sat in a motel carpark. He must have booked a room whilst in town. It was rundown and Jack was debating whether to let me go out. There was a few older men just sat about smoking, all watching us.  "Let's go, I'll be fine" I reassure jack and before he can say anything I get out. He gives me a look then quickly reaches across and into the dashboard compartment, I see him quickly pull out his gun and attach it to his waist band, his jacket then covered the gun so it was out of sight. He quickly comes round to me and grabs my hand which I was grateful for. "Let's go, apparently the last signal came from room 2E" he said and we headed towards the stairs on the outside of the building.

"I will give you 30" a man stopped us and said to Jack. "I dont need your money" jack scowled. "Oh come on man, just give me 10 minutes with her" he stated looking mr over. At this point we both realized what he meant. Jack was furious, he grabbed the mans collar and dragged him closer "how about I give you this" he whispered and with one punch the man fell unconscious.  I gulped, seeing this side of Jack was scary. He quickly grabbed my hand again and we headed up the stairs, Jack was grumbling about how unsafe this was and how he should have come alone.

"Shush, we are here now" I tell him as we reach the room. I go to knock on the door but Jack stops me. "Let me" he produces his gun and I shudder but I dont say anything knowing it could well be a trap. He knocks and pushes me behind him making sure he also has hold of me.

Daniel appears at the front door and I slowly look past Jack to see why there is no talking. Both Daniel and Jack were looking at each other like they had seen a ghost. "How did you find me and why the hell are you here  especially with her do you know how unsafe this place" Daniel finally spoke and jack was quick to fire back "I can handle her safety" he then grabbed my hand and walked into the room. Daniel stood watching in shock.
"So is it you" jack asks looking around the room in disgust. "Y...yes I can explain though" daniel was nervous as hell making me feel guilty. "Oh this should be good" jack said not believing him.

"Well it started when you both were alot younger. Me and your mother knew Alex's parents, we were good friends and that resulted in us being targeted. We went to Alex's parents for help after the first few threats and they helped us, but the threats kept coming and then one day we were almost killed. We thought we would just move but then the same man who tried to kill us showed up at your football game and threatened your life jack. The same happened with you Isabelle while you and your mum went shopping. We talked that night and we decided if we both faked our death, you both could have a chance of surviving even if it was with a different family. We hated leaving you,  we really did but these guys weren't messing around. We asked some people to run a background check and they had awful charges murder, kidnapping,  rape. We couldnt let that happen to you both. Yes we did talk to the police before we officially made the decision to fake our deaths only that made it worse, your mother was poisoned and was ill for days  luckily it wasnt poison. We think they had cops on the side. We only wanted to protect you both" he  explained.

Both jack and I were shocked. Tears ran down my face at the realization. "You're alive" I whisper and I find myself going and giving him a hug "yes I'm alive sweetheart" he said returning the hug. Neither of us wanted to let go but we had to in the end. "Is mum alive" jack asked and I looked at him for a anwser. Only he shakes his head in response "she got shot before we even had chance to fake it. That was why I never came back, I didnt want to risk coming back to see you both get shot" his voice cracked as he spoke and I notice Jack look at him with a new expression instead of anger.
"Please forgive me"

Jack was hesitant but nodded. "Dont fuck up this time" he warned.
"I cant forgive you put I can give you a chance" I say and he looks saddened by this but nods. "Great let's get out of this hell hole" Jack spoke in disgust making me laugh. "You're coming with us" Jack told him, he was reluctant but agreed.

"I guess this place is rougher than I originally thought, day drinking so early" he said as we passed the unconscious man that Jack had hit. "He didnt seem drunk just a disgusting pig" jack snarled and gave him a quick kick. "Jack dont" I say not liking the violent side of him. "What did he do to anger you" that question was enough to set jack off "I should fucking kill him, the disgusting aninal" before he could continue Daniel spoke "enough Jack" his voice was loud and authoritative making jack comply.

We eventually made it to the car and jack was mumbling to himself about wanting that man dead. "Jack stop please" I say hoping he would listen and surprisingly he does. "I'm sorry, let's get home"

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