chapter 45

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I pulled up to the house at the same time as henry, I had broken all the speed limits getting here and I'm sure henry did too. I grabbed my gun from the glove compartment and got out. "Shit, this is bad" henry said as I met him on the walk up to the house. "Well obviously it is, they fucking abused her" I practically shout,as my pace quickens. "Wait what" henry replies. I turn to him and cautiously ask "why did you think it was bad" he looks a little frightened but speaks "some woman who owes us drug money lives here" well this just got worse. I didnt care about the money but I was concerned about her being in the house of not only her abusers but drug addicts.
I waste no time knocking, yes I wanted to walk straight in but unfortunately the door was licked. A woman came to the door, she looked at henry and she seemed to recognise us immediately. "I..I dont have the money p..please. need to go before h..husband gets h..home" she trembled with fear.  I  snickered at her response. Pathetic. I ignore her and push her to the side and walk in.  "Angel" I call, but get no answer, I repeat the action twice but same result. I turn to ask her where she is but Henry beat me to it, he had her pinned against the wall. "Where the fuck is she, where is Isabelle" he shouted and it was clear she was afraid.  "W...what's she" she stuttered.
The question threw me off, what was she to me tho?
"His girlfriend, bitch, now tell us " henry replied before I got the chance. She looked inconvenienced but I had already wasted too much time on her. "I'm gonna check the house, make sure she doesnt get in my way" I say but as I do in walks officer Isaac's. John. How I wanted to rip hip his head off. "What the hell is going on here" he demands as he gets his gun out out after seeing Henry with his gun pointed at veronica. "Well you stupid shit, I'm here for my girl" I explain. "I highly doubt it you must have the wrong house, my daughter wouldnt go for someone like you" he said his eyes trained on our guns. I got annoyed at how protective he was being after the shit hes done. "Drop the act, I know you both been abusing her" I snarl but the response I get was unexpected, John's eye water up a little "its true, oh god,I never meant it intentionally just I hated how she killed my child" he practically cried, I looked over at veronica who rolled her eyes at her husband's behaviour "grow up john, she deserved it all" she practically spat. John then looked at her like she was crazy "no she didnt, we hurt her for no reason. I'll go get her" he said the last bit too me and I nod. He then goes upstairs, I imagine to her room.
Five minutes later he returns but he no longer looked upset, he looked angry.  "Where the fuck is she veronica" he snapped getting up in her face. Veronica doesnt answer though "fucking tell me what you did" he said in a darker tone than what I expected.  It seemed to scare veronica "b..basement" she whispered. "The fuck did you do" he said and went in what I presumed was the direction of the basement so I followed. I noticed a padlocked door in the corner, he grabbed a key from the side and opened it quickly. As soon as it wax open I ran down the stairs.

I could faintly see my angel sat in the corner with her knees to her chest, her head was resting in her knees and I could hear the faint sound of crying. Light suddenly filled the place and I looked back to see john had turned the light on. I looked back to my angel and noticed her hair was matted and clothes were ripped. " please not again. I will be good." She cried out without looking up. I dont say anything I make my way to her and pick her up "no" she screamed, thrashing in my arms. Fuck. "Ssshhh" i say stroking her hair softly.  She slowly lifts her head up and a look of realization hits her "a..are r..real" she says hesitantly and I nod "I'm real angel" and in response she puts her arms around me and hugs, I dont hesitate to return the hug.
She was with mr. She was safe.

"Why are you down here" I look over and see john giving her a concerned look. She responded by crying further.  Fuck this shit. "I'm taking her with me, stop me and the whole world will know what you did to her" I tell  him and walk back up the steps with her in my arms.
Once I spot veronica I walk up to her and say rather loudly "you need to get your drug addiction sorted" as intended john heard "your what, what the fuck veronica" I laughed a little and walked out with henry following.

"Is she ok" henry asks after we left. I shake my head in response wanting to be as quiet as possible as I noticed she had fallen asleep.
"Meet back at home" I quietly say and go to my car, I carefully place her in the car and buckle her in before going around to the other side.
Jack was in some serious trouble.

We reached home half an hour later. As I picked Isabelle up her eyes snapped open and she screamed in terror. The pain that she felt, the fear she was experiencing I hated it. Something that once made me smile, hearing it from her made me angry. I wanted to protect her and I couldnt do that. Maybe if I didnt stay and work late this wouldnt have happened.
" put me down. Please. No. No. Not again. No" she cried and begun thrashing in my arms. I quickly placed her down on her feet. She didnt even look at me, instead she ran. She was running from me and I hated it. I knew she was injured and in a emotional state. I vouldnt let her leave. Not now.  So I did the only rational thing. I went after her.

She had reached the end of the driveway when I caught up to her. I moved so I was in front of her, so quickly she didnt have the chance to stop which resulted in her running into me.  Before she fell to the floor I wrapped my arms around her but she began to fight me, her hands found my chest and she began to hit me. I stood and allowed her too, she was hysterical and I hated seeing her like this "let me go" she cried and it pained me to know she didnt want to be here but I couldnt let her go, not in this state.
After a minute or so I decided to put an end to the hits and grabbed her wrists when they flew towards me. She struggled but I held them firmly. " please dont. I'll be good. I wont tell anyone just please let me good" she practically begged me. "Look at me" I gently order, she slowly lifts her head and her eyes are glossy with tears. "I will never ever hurt you angel, you gotta believe me." I say and it looked as if something had snapped inside her. "Alex?" She asks and I nod slowly. Did she not know it was me? She suddenly flung her arms around me and before I could wrap mine around she pulled back. "Oh god. I didnt hurt you did I. I'm so sorry alex  I dont even know what was going on in my head. I guess I didn't even know it was you. Please say something" she rambled on which made me smile, knowing I wasn't the cause.  "I'm ok, you didnt hurt me" I reply which was true however she definitely had a suprising amount of strength all things considered. "How about we go inside,  you can have a nice warm bath and I'll make you something to eat then you can sleep" I tell her and she looks hesitant but nods "I...I dont want to see jack" she whispers and I nod. Jack. He had signed his death wish when he took her back. "Come on love" I say and guide her up to the house.
I hated how powerless I felt right now. My angel was hurting and I didnt know how to fix it. I have never been good with emotions but with her it was different. With her my feelings came naturally. Fuck. I was in love with her.

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