chapter 54

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We arrived at a small diner, he turned to me "I hope this is ok, I figured somewhere more casual would be best" he was nervous which I was confused by, he had no reason to be. "Its perfect" I reassure him as we enter.
We sit down in a small booth. "I thought a breakfast date would be good, hopefully you are hungry" he said and handed me a menu. "Yeah I am" he smiles and we both look at our menus. I was still unsure how dates work after all this was my first.
"Hey, you dont need to be nervous" he reassured but it didnt help. I guess he figured out how nervous I was. His reassurance didnt help though. "So I'm gonna get pancakes do you know what you want" he says and I nod "maybe waffles" he scrunches his nose up but smiles and folds the menu "great" he tells me. The waitress came over and took our orders then disappeared. "Why did you scrunch your nose up" I ask and he laughs a little "because pancakes are way better. I mean sure waffles are ok but pancakes are amazing" he told me. "No way, waffles are" I reply which started a friendly debate on which was better. By the end of it our food was here. He had also order a coffee and I had gotten a hot chocolate. "The pancakes do look pretty good" I say and he laughs. "If you're lucky I might share them with you" he said and I smiled. After that we got talking, nothing in particular but yet we must have talked about everything. I definitely like him.

I knew she was nervous, I was too. If this went bad then I would have messed up probably my only chance to be with her. As time went on it became more relaxed and we talked about everything and it was great. We had finished out food and were just sat talking. I loved how she didnt fear me, she looked at me like I was a person. Her smile was cute and I loved being the one to make her smile. I had never really felt like this before and i wanted her to know she will always have me. She was always going to be my angel. No matter what happens.

"Can we go for a walk" she asked when we finally left. It was around 1.00pm and although I told my parents I'd try be back for their guest, I would rather spend time with her. "Of course,  we can do anything you want" I tell her. She smiles and we begin our walk,having a light conversation as we do.

By the time we got back to the car our hands were intertwined and I was considering taking a walk the other way just to hold her hand longer but as I looked down at her, she was smiling but I could also see how tired she was. "Let's go home angel" I say as she yawns. She nods "I had a great day Alex" I smile knowing this. I was glad, hopefully I could give her more great days. "I'm glad, maybe we could do it again some other time" I suggest hoping she will agree  "yeah we should" she tells me which surprises me. She actually liked me? Wow. I expected her to say no but she didnt and I couldnt be happier. My smile grew, if that was even possible. "Let's get home" I say as we get in the car.

The car ride was filled with laughter, we had put the radio on and we were just singing, very badly the lyrics to the songs that came on.  Once I had parked and turned of the engine we both looked at each other and burst out laughing together. "That was so fun" she comments and I nod in agreement "we could start our own music business" I joke and she looks at me then burst out laughing "I think you should stick yo your legal work" I laugh at her comment. But I dont press the subject as I didnt want to bring my line of work into this "let's go in" she says for me and I nod in agreement. 

We enter and it was fairly quiet. "Where is everyone" she asked and for once I genuinely didnt know. That was until my father came from the kitchen. "You're back finally, how about you come say hello To our friend then you two can both continue with whatever you are doing" he says and although it would be rude of me not too, I was still hesitant. "You should go alex, I'm going to have a lie down I'm kinda tired" she tells me making me even more hesitant. I didnt want to leave her alone to have a nightmare.  "Go" she says again probably sensing my hesitancy. I finally nod and she goes off up stairs.  "We will watch a movie later" I call up to her, still not wanting to leave her. "Ok" she calls then disappears off down the hall.

"So how was it" my dad asks as we walk to the kitchen. "Amazing, she agrees for us to go out again sometime. We talked and sang and walked around. It was great dad" I tell him and he chuckles "I'm glad son, your mother will be planning your wedding very soon if it continues" and I laugh "I'm aware of that but we are along way off" he nods in agreement and I decide to change the subject "who is this friend anyway" I was genuinely curious. My parents arent from around here and when they come over they always stay with me and catch up with friends.  "Just an old friend, you will love him" I nod at the  ague answer and we enter the kitchen.
"Ah, you must ne Alex"
Just great, this was going to turn into a big conversation.

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