chapter 50

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Deep breaths izzy. You can do this. I was really trying to encourage myself and stopping myself from having a breakdown. I feared 2 things, how angry he could get and if things would change between us, I didnt want him to pity me or look at me differently.
We were sat in his office, he did suggest the living room but I didnt want anyone to walk in. I felt de ja vu as my mind went back to when I told him about john and veronica. "Whenever you're ready" he encouraged with a smile. Was I ready though? Probably not. "You know those cops, John's friends" I start and he nods. "well they...they" i couldnt bring myself to say it, he might think I wanted it, he may see me as a whore. "What did they do angel" he asked trying to get me to talk. "I'm no angel" I whisper. "But to me you are, I dont care what shit you have been involved in, in the past. You could be a serial killer and i would still see you as an angel" his words actually encouraged me, some how.  "Theyrapedme" I say quickly and quietly. At first I dont think he heard but damn was I mistaken. "That weekend or has it been going on longer" he asked, trying to be calm but failing. "Longer, I found out that weekend it was veronica, they paid her to do it and john doesnt know" I whisper and lower my head in shame. I wasnt worth his time. I was just a whore. Tears fell as I realized that I've probably lost him as a friend.  "Isabelle" I feel his fingers gently  lift my chin so I'm looking at him. "Y..yeah" I try to look away but hr doesnt let me. "I'm sorry it happened to you but I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, you're still my angel" he said and the reassurance he gave was like a big weight off my shoulder. Somehow when he called me his angel, it gave me butterflies. Did I like him that way? I didnt think I did but maybe I do.

Fucking bastards. I'm gonna kill them. Although I had very dark thoughts going on, i couldnt let her see I was angry. I had to show her i was still there for her. "I'm sorry it happened to you but I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, you're still my angel" I reassure her only to mentally face palm myself.  I'm sorry that happened to you. What was I thinking.  Of course I was sorry but it sounded bad. "Thank you so much alex, for everything,  for still being here" she says which surprises me. She quickly hugs me which I respond by returning the hug. I didnt want to let go though, I wanted her in my arms forever. I guess it made sense now why she wasnt allowing me to sleep with her. "I'm never letting you go" I half joke and she laughs. "Good, you make me feel safe" she tells me and I smile knowing she felt safe around me. "Mission accomplished" I joke which she laughs slightly. God her laugh was just so pure. She was cute as hell and the more I thought about it, the more I realized how lucky I was to have her in my arms now.
"Let's sleep" she whispered.  "Do you want me to go" I ask, preparing myself to leave, surprisingly she shakes her head "could you stay" I couldnt help the large smile that made it's way onto my face when she asked. "Of course" I kiss her forehead gently and soon we both drift of into a peaceful sleep.

"Boss, boss, alex" a voice calls waking me me up. My eyes snap open and I'm met by a bunch of hair, I double take,  Isabella way laid against me with her head in my chest and I had my arms wrapped around her. I peel my eyes away, who dare interrupt me from my sleep. I look and see Jack, I could feel my gaze darken, if he was here to tell me to stay away from izzy then he has nothing thing coming. "What" I ask, making sure my tone is quiet. I didnt want to wake her. "Nick told me to come get you, your parents are here" he said looking over at izzy as he did so. Fuck, they cant be here. Not now. "Ok tell them I'll be down in a few minutes" I reply and he nods before walking back out. I try unwrap myself from izzy, hoping not to wake her but her eyes open "please stay" she whispered.  Oh how I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, sadly I couldnt. "I cant angel, I'll come back in a bit and we can nap then, I just need to go sort something out" I tell her and she let's me go "ok" she whispers.  "I'll be back before you know it" I tell her and kiss her forehead. After that I walk out.  As soon as I left her room, even I noticed how my demeanor changed. I was back to the mercyless and ruthlessly gang leader.

I finished changing and headed downstairs, I was confused as to why my parents were here, especially at such hour. I hope nothing serious has happened.

"There he is, my baby" my mother called.

Give me strength.

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