chapter 23

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So I just want to say this story is gonna start to touch on suicide . I wanted to write this note in case it triggered people and to highlight that suicide is a serious thing. If anyone is suffering from these thoughts please get in touch with a doctor,  from experience of this sort of stuff I find it does help. Never forget that you all matter, no matter what. Finally another trigger warning as this chapter goes into a little detail of sexual assault, mainly just from the start, this is also a serious issue.


I went downstairs,  feeling a little better knowing I could now see jack. I wasnt hungry so I figured I would get a small portion of leftovers from earlier dinner time and when alex came down I will pretend I had put more on the plate. I didnt want to disappoint alex for some reason as I cared what he thought.
"You told"
I turned around and saw ben, his fists clenched and he looked angry, so angry that I backed away. This wasnt going to end well.
"I didnt" I say, I had been very careful not to tell no matter how much i wanted too.
"Oh yes you did, henry knows, how the fuck does he know eh" and within seconds he had pinned me to a wall.
"I warned you, didnt I warn you" he shouts.
It's ok, alex will be here any second.
He forced me to the floor and onto my knees, with one hand he took out his penis and the other he forces my mouth open.
"Suck it bitch" he forced it into my mouth and began to thrust deeper.  I was scared, I wanted alex to come. Where was he. Last time he was following but disappeared when ben was hitting me, now hes not here. Maybe he knows what's happening, maybe he doesnt care.
"Bitch suck it" he says and a idea forms in my mind. I do as he says for about 10 seconds if that, he seems to be happy as I feel the sticky substance enter my mouth. His eyes were closed and I took this as the perfect opportunity,  I bit down hard on his penis and his eyes shot open and he crumbled to the floor, his hand was removed from my head and I took this as the opportunity to pull myself away, I spat the substance in his face and he growled, he tried to reach for me but I ran. I ran so fast, tears formed in my eyes. I needed to leave this place. I wanted nothing more than to be free and not have to worry about being hurt
"Hey, where are you going, what happened" I heard alex ask, i saw his blurry outline as it was hard to see much through the tears.
"Leave me alone" I said and make it to my temporary bedroom.

I couldnt do this. I just wanted to feel safe, to have someone.
I wanted my dad, I wanted my mum. I couldnt breath as more tears fell. Maybe this was a sign.
"Izzy"  alex knocks, I had locked the door when I came in and I had no intention of opening it.
"Izzy" he shouts again.
I couldnt trust him.
He shouted over and over begging me to open up but I couldnt, I just sat against the wall and cried.
No one would even notice after a while I wasnt here.
No one would care.
The thoughts consumed me and I found myself feeling the need to cut. I couldnt though, I had to be strong, I had to be brave.
The shouting and threatening to break the door died down, it's been a few hours.
"We will talk tommorow love" he softly says.
He called me love, was it bad or good. I found myself thinking about if he meant it as a term of endearment or in a threatening manner.

Soon after I managed to fall asleep, I dont know what time it was or how long i slept, all i know was that I opened my eyes and saw the clock facing 6am.
I got up and with the little motivation I had made my way to the bathroom with a fresh set of clothes. First I brushed my teeth thoroughly, only after do I look in the mirror,  my eyes were red, with black circles underneath, my cheeks were puffy and my hair stuck up in multiple places.
I got in the shower and scrubbed myself clean multiple times. Once I was pleased I got out and changed into my clothes, I pale pink hoodie and black leggings. Once again I looked in the mirror, now all what was different was my hair. I fixed it in a messy bun. Ugh I guess I look ok, not that i planned on leaving the room.

I leave the bathroom but I'm suprised to see nick sat on my bed messing on his phone. I thought i locked the door. I backed away, not wanting a repeat. "Finally, i picked the lock, i couldn't wait to give you the necklace" he says excitedly and produces the necklace.  "Thanks" I slowly go forward and take it from his grasp.
"No problem,  its breakfast let's go eat" he says, before I can protest he has hold my arm and is dragging me gently to the kitchen much to my protests but he ignored me and soon we ended up in the kitchen. Tears fell as flashbacks formed.
"Izzy" I look and see alex stood drinking coffee. He was looking at me with so much concern. I noticed ben was missing and I felt relief wash over me.
It was only alex in the kitchen I noticed, I looked around and even nick had gone. "Here, you didnt eat dinner last night" he says putting some waffles in front of me. I couldnt help but look at the corner, the corner where ben had done what he did. I burst out crying again.
"Hey, hey it's ok. Please tell me what happened" he says rushing to my side.

I knew I has to tell him and so I nod "please can we leave the kitchen" I ask not wanting to talk in here. "Of course but we are taking the waffles with us" he picks up the plate with one hand and held his other hand put for me to take, I shakily took it and he led me out.

Ok I disliked writing this chapter,  It was sad to write hopefully things will start to get better from here.

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