chapter 55

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This friend of theirs wouldnt stop talking. His name was daniel and honestly I've never heard of him. I just wanted to get back to Isabelle but my mother insisted I stay a bit longer and I knew it would be rude to leave mid way thro a conversation.  I hated leaving her alone, especially knowing she could be having a nightmare. 
My phone rang, bringing everyone's attention to me. I waste no time in answering. Hoping this would be my chance to leave. I look down and see it was jack calling. Jack and I havent been on vest of terms lately and things werent getting any better so I was suprised that he called and curious as to why. "Hey, why are you calling" i answer getting straight to the point. "Because I went to see a old friend,  turns out he became a cop and I found out they are trying to find evidence to have you arrested" he explained in a hurry. Well fuck. "Ok have they found anything so far"  I ask and there is a pause "no, I didnt trust that my friend was telling me the truth so I hacked into the database. The only thing they got on you is that you run hotels and nightclubs. Honestly I'm suprised with Isabelles so called father being a cop, I thought they would pin numerous charges on you.  Actually about that, apparently they are getting a divorce" he spoke and I could hear the hatred when he said 'father'. I was relieved to know they didnt have anything on me. "Ok thanks for letting me know, is there anything else" there was a pause before he replied "no boss" I was unsure if he was telling the truth but accepted his answer anyway "ok goodnight" and with that I hung up. My parents looked at me expectantly and Daniel well he  looked to be analysing me. "Just the usual stuff" I tell them not wanting to get into too much detail. They accepted it and a new conversation started.

It seemed to go on forever but finally daniel stood up "I should be going now" yes please go. Then the painfully long goodbyes took place. I just wanted to go back to my angel.

Looking back I was glad that I went in school that day, if I hadnt I wouldnt have met her. I still regret my actions and its hard to believe that I came close to killing her. That would have been the worst decision I ever made.

"I'll show you out" I spoke, I wanted to leave without my mum interrogating me and today's events with Isabelle. I knew that she would as soon as Daniel left so if I showed him out. I could sneak of upstairs for the evening.

I had the best day today but I was beyond tired so I decided to take a nap. It wasnt long until I drifted off. Only my mind decided it was time for another nightmare.
My mind was filled yet again with John's friends and what they did to me. I twisted and turned trying to get away, trying to wake up but nothing was working.
I gasped for air as my eyes shot open. It was over. I was safe, I was awake. I reminded myself feeling my cheeks dampen.
I wanted Alex but i knew he was with his parents, i couldnt interrupt that would be rude. I decided on a shower instead thinking it might help but after i got out i felt worse. I felt alone and i knew i needed Alex. I took a deep breath and worked up the courage then left the room. I made it to the staircase and I saw Alex leading a man to the door. That must be their friend. I decided it would be best to wait till he left.

Goodbyes were said and the man suddenly looked up, he looked me in the eyes and I felt a chill run down my spine. It couldnt be him.
Suddenly Alex turned and looked up. Oh god. I hope he doednt think I had been listening in. He motioned for me to come downstairs and I reluctantly did as he said. As I reached him he pulled me into a side hug "you ok" he whispered so only I could hear. In response i shook my head and his hug tightened. "Daniel this is Isabelle,my friend. Isabelle this is Daniel, a friend of my parents" he introduced.  No. It cant be. It's a mistake it had to be. "Its er nice to meet you Isabelle. How did you both meet" Daniel seemed just as shocked as I was.

I suddenly became even more protective of Izzy when Daniel showed an interest in her. "Through a job I was doing" I simply say not wanting to tell him I was behind the school attack. The less people know the better. "How old are you Isabelle" he asked and I wanted to push him out the door and slam it in his face. "18" she whispered.  Both Daniel and Isabelle looked at each other before I broke the silence "well it was nice of you to visit.  Have a safe journey home" and I practically shood him out. I didnt like him. There was something that seemed off. I didnt like how he showed interest in Isabelle and I hoped I would never see him again.
"You ok" I ask Isabelle who looks at the door in shock. She blinked and looked at me. "I had a nightmare" and I suppress the urge not to punch a wall. Those fuckers will pay. "Do you want to talk about it" I ask and she shakes her head "ok how about we watch a movie" I suggest knowing a distraction would help. She nods in agreement and we go upstairs. Instead of her room, we go to mine.  "Get comfy, I'm gonna go change" I tell her and she nods and gets into bed. I smile at her and grab some joggers before going into the bathroom.

When I return she is laid wrapped in the duvets with multiple cushions. "Let's see what we can watch" I say joining her in bed and lifting the duvet to wrap myself in it too.

We end up watching a Disney movie but by the end she has her head rested on my chest and her arms clung to my body. I had one arm wrapped around her and the other was playing mindlessly with her hair. She was adorable and I wanted to spend every night like this. There was no doubt I had fallen for her and even if she didnf feel the same, I would spend my life protecting her and loving her. Even if it meant being just friends, I wasnt going to leave her.

Sorry the update took so long. Hopefully will start to get back to normal routine. Also Daniel is going to be a recurring character,  any thoughts who he is

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