chapter 28

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Anonymous PoV

I sat in the old chair that hadnt been replaced in decades, I really should invest in a new one. Switching on the tv, my heart began to pound as i saw the school had been burnt down. Apparently it was an electrical failure but my fear of it being them got me anxious. I turned up the volume to hopefully hear more details.
"Sadly there were no survivors" a reporter annouced.
My world came crashing down. They were back.

Isabelle pov

The film had finished not long ago. Nick and alex were now stood by the pool table playing, Henry was sat at the bar on his phone, rae had left after the film as her phone rang and she didnt want anyone listening in, me and jack were sat on the sofa with the tv in the background, we werent watching it, instead we were just enjoying being together again.
"Cookie" he says and I look up at him to see him looking down sadly at me. "Yeah" I reply and he looks even worse. "The reason I left, it was because our last foster family manipulated me into doing their drug runs and I did them but then I got into trouble with the suppliers, I told our foster parents and they blackmailed me, saying if I refused to do thrm they would call the police and have me arrested,  I responded by telling them I was still underage and they would be the ones in trouble so they blackmailed me with you, they told the suppliers that they could have you as payment, I couldn't let them so I began working for the suppliers, I had to leave you when we went back into the system as I missed a job, I couldnt have them tracking you down and taking you. So I left, I'm sooo sorry, all the families seemed to like you do I thought you would easily find a home... I guess I was wrong" jack tells me, I notice tears whelling up  in the corner of his eyes but he wasnt letting them fall, I however couldnt stop them and cried into his chest. All this time, he had thought he was protecting me. "Yeah I worked with them for a year before managing to run away, I met these guys and they helped me alot. I really did think about finding you but I didnt want you to see me as a criminal, I didnt want you too see the bad in this world so I didnt find you" he finished and i was crying and hugging him so tight by now.  "I forgive you" I tell him, I wanted to put everything behind me, I wanted to start over.

It seemed I couldnt start over just yet though as the tv suddenly changed to breaking news.
"Just over a week ago, a local high school was destroyed in a fire caused by a electrical failure, we finally have been given confirmation that there was no survivors, families of these children have been left devastated and torn apart by the tragic lost" a reporter said and I couldnt help but cringe, my tears stopped and all I could think about was the amount of kids killed by Alex's order and yet here i was eating pizza with him. I felt sick knowing this.
"Change the channel" I heard alex order.
Jack grabbed the remote but before he could switch it over, I spoke "I...I wanna watch" I say, I dont know why I wanted to watch such a awful report but something about it, I was drawn too.
"Izzy I dont think that's a good idea"  alex said walking over to me.
"Neither was killing all those innocent children" I shot back and he glares "fine go ahead and watch" he grumbles and sits down, I was confused at his actions but then I realized he was waiting for my reaction.
"Joining us we have John Isaacs, a parent of one of the students and also one of the lead officers on this case"
My blood ran cold hearing his name, my attention was fixed on what he had to say.
I noticed nick and henry had also sat down to watch. "My daughter was tragically killed in this horrific incident,  we will forever have a porce of her still in our hearts, this was something that should never have happened,  although an electrical failure is our main lead, we are exploring every area possible as we do find it suspicious no one managed to get out. Our beloved daughter, she was a light that could never darken,  she was everything to me and my wife" he said and I felt angry, he was acting for the camera, my bruises proved that,I missed the reporter's response but my attention was brought back when the camera was directed at two more officers. John's friends. "I understand officers that you two are also lead on looking into other  causes, how is that working out" the reporter asked. "Well as officer Isaacs just said we are looking into every cause, we both were very close to john and his family so we both felt a sudden loss when the news broke, I can only imagine how officer Isaacs is feeling right now. We will be doing everything in our power to serve all the kids justice, we wont stop until a cause is 100% certain" he spoke and I couldnt help but feel sick. The only loss they felt was losing someone to take their frustration out on.
"Hey you ok" jack asked and I collapse into him and cry further.
"Shit, hey you're ok, we got you, no one is gonna hurt you here" jack says rubbing my back. He had no idea on the events that had occurred and I couldnt bring myself to tell him so I just nodded "I.. I think I'm gonna g..go b..bed" I say wanting to remove myself from the room of criminals. "Ok, if you're sure" jack says looking at me with guilt and sadness "yeah, I'll see you tommorow" I say. I look at jack and think about how lucky I was that he wasnt at the school. I dont think I would have been able to cope. I set off walking but I felt a presence behind me. It was alex.
"I'm going to my office, dont worry" he says and I nod and made my way to my room.
Alex claimed he was going the long way round as he followed me every step of the way, even past his office and directly to my room,  I guess it was because of ben. I wonder what happened to him? I dont really care but I would help me sleep knowing he wouldnt be back.
"I'm sorry for what happened " alex states as we reach my bedroom
"Stay with me " I couldnt help ask. I was feeling very vulnerable at the moment after watching the news and I didnt want to be alone, I couldnt be with jack as I didnt want him to know how broken I am, he already felt bad I dont wanna make him feel worse.
"Are you sure" he asked and I nod.
"Ok, I'll stay for a while"

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