chapter 53

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She was already in bed when I walked in, the duvet wrapped around her tightly. I smile as I look at my little angel, she was adorable. I slowly and quietly made my way to the bed and got in. She turned to me as soon as I was in and smiled at me "are you ok, you look sad" she questioned and I hated how I liked how she worried about me. I should hate it, but it feels nice knowing she cares. "I'm ok, just a little...overwhelmed" I say trying to be truthful. "You're a bad liar" she said and I couldnt help but laugh. She doesnt instead she sits up and so i quickly join her. "Its not because you are here right cause if you want to be elsewhere you can" she asked. "Isabelle, there is nowhere else I would rather be" I reassure her and the panic in her eyes fades. "then what" she wasnt going to let it go. "Just I hate how they hurt you" i tell her being as truthful as i could. "I do too but it's over now" she says and I smile. She was right, it was over. I was never going to let her get hurt again, no one would take her from me.

We laid back down, her head found it's way onto resting on my chest and in return I mindlessly played with her hair. We talked about little things, nothing serious and nothing to deep.
She was perfect. I could be myself around her. I just hoped she felt the same as I did.
"Angel" i start, I was afraid of how this would work out but I had to ask.
"Yeah alex" she asked.
"Do you maybe wanna,if it's ok with you, you can say no, i dont mind...." i start to ramble but she cuts me off
"You dont need to be so nervous" she told me. That would have been true if it was anything else. This time though, it felt like a was that nervous little kid again. I had never felt so afraid, so nervous since then.
"Go out with me, on a date" I blurt out and regret starts to build up. What have I done. I've just ruined our relationship. I should have just stayed in the friend zone  but of course I let my stupid feelings get in the way.
"Only if it's not a fancy one" she whispers, pulling me from my thoughts. "Ok I understand, I'm sorry for asking....wait did you say yeah" I answer, my mind never registering the words till moments after. She nods and a big smile makes it's way to my face "I can do nothing fancy, dont worry it will be perfect" I reassure and she smiles.
After that time seemed to go quick and soon I noticed she was falling asleep so I tell her goodnight and kiss her forehead before closing my own eyes.

He laid mindlessly playing with my hair and I felt safe, I felt cared for and I felt loved. I really liked him but I was unsure what his thoughts on me where. Then he nervously asked me on a date. I tried not to laugh at how nervous he got, I had never seen alex like that before. He probably didnt notice the big smile on my face when he asked but it was there and I dont think it keft my face after that night. I agreed and a equally big smile made it's way onto his face. I had never felt this way about anyone before and as much as it scared me, I enjoyed the feeling. I liked how much he was there for me, especially emotionally.

*next morning*

I woke up with his arms wrapped around me. I knew there was no way of me going back to sleep so I decided to get up. It was a task that took 10 minutes to do as I I didn't want to wake him. I shivered from the lack of heat the duvet had provided. I quickly took a hoodie and put it over, not paying attention to the design. I then put on some fuzzy socks and make my way out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. I didnt expect to see anyone because alex had told me last night that everyone was stopping at the other house so he could have some time with his parents, when I asked why I wadnt there he told me I was a exception.

When I walked in his dad was sat at the table drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. "Good morning" I mumble already regretting my decision to come down early. "Good morning Isabelle,  how are you today" his dad asked, he seemed nice but i wasnt going to let my guard down so easy. "I'm good thank you, and you" I reply, cringing at how formal this was. "Yes I'm good, what are you doing up at this time, did alex wake you with his snoring" he asked and I laughed "he doesnt snore" I tell him and his dad seemed suprised "when he was a kid oh man, I swear I'm surprised we didnt get a noise complaint" he said making me laugh further. "I'll tell you the story if you want" he suggested and I nodded, I felt like this would be a funny story.

Half way through the story I had learnt that Alex used to sleep anywhere and he was a light sleeper. When he first stayed at their home and he had fallen asleep, they had thought someone had broken in but after discovering it was just alex they debated whether to see a doctor.
"Dont get me started on his food, never have a seen a bigger picky eater than him" he started and I laughed. Only he didnt get to tell the story because Alex walked through the kitchen door. "I see you two are getting along" he said and I nod "yep, I was just about to tell her how you lived of toast for a week because it was your new thing. God that was annoying" his dad said earning him a playful glare from alex "where is mum" he asked changing the subject. "Probably sleeping. She was up at the crack of dawn preparing the house. She cleaned everything at least three times. I swear it's not like we having the president for lunch" his dad said and alex rolled his eyes "anyone would think my house is unclean by the way you talk" his dad chuckles "you know your mother, hell I'm suprised she hasnt made an appearance telling us all to leave the kitchen while she cleans. You know I started helping her, I was dusting the dust free shelves and she came and told me I was doing it wrong and sent me to the kitchen" this made me and alex simultaneously laugh. "Well me and Izzy are going out, I'll try be back for your dinner thing" Alex said and I looked at him confused. I didnt know we were going out. "Last night we talked and If you still want to.." he says and I realize what he meant. The date. I didnt expect it to be so soon. "Ok let me go get changed" I say getting up. As I walked past him he leaned in and whispered "my hoodie looks so much better on you" I felt my cheeks go red and I practically ran out, god that was embarrassing.  As soon as I left I heard him laugh which made me smile.

As soon as I got to my room I had the problem of picking out something to wear. What do people wear on dates. I told him nothing fancy so casual clothes should be ok but where were we going. Should I wear jeans? A skirt? Maybe a casual dress?

Eventually I picked out my outfit and began to get ready. I seriously do hope today goes well. I really do like him.

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