chapter 25

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She compared me to them. How fucking dare she,  I would never treat her like they did.
I couldnt be seen treating her better than anyone else when she stepped forward. At first I thought she was brave, a little stupid but still brave. She should have just gone back when I told her too but no she had to cause a scene which finally got me angry at her for real.
Nick walked back out the office after putting her inside he pressed the pin code to secure the room so she wouldnt be getting out any time soon.
"Go find me ben and lock him up downstairs" I order nick and he nods "yes boss" he replies and motions for some men to follow him.
I look down at Henry  god he looked awful. When he told me that he suspected ben was the one to beat izzy  I lost it, If he had said sooner i could have ended him before he hurt her further.
"I'm sorry boss" henry says and I find myself putting my gun away. I offered out a hand and he takes it. "Lets get it fixed" I say and we walk downstairs to our medical area, we have one in the house so that its quick and easy  no questions asked when we need bullets taken out.


Nick left me in the office, after a few minutes I tried to leave but the door was locked.
No. This cant be happening. I tried again, and again. I couldnt be locked in.
As my mind went to different scenarios a flashback formed in my mind.

John's friends had arrived. Oh how I hated them. I backed away and ran to my room, I locked it and checked to make sure no one could get in. I was mistaken though because  after a while the man who haunts my dreams comes in, it was John's friend. "You thought you could lock yourself away, I got news for you  you cant" he growled and locked the door as he stepped closer.

A second flashback entered my mind as all the memories of bring locked up surfaced.
"No food for a week  you will stay here too" and the door  slammed shut.
Veronica was true to her word but she didnt let me out for a month. I'm pretty sure during that month  I cried at first until I realized if I made too much noise veronica would hit me.

The multiple experiences with being locked up set me off crying, I collapsed into a corner and  my tears grew. He was just like them.

I unlocked my office door and walked in, I had expected her to start shouting at me or something but instead I saw her crushed. She was sat shaking and crying. fuck.
"Hey izzy" I say slowly walking closer but she didnt answer.
"Isabelle" I say growing concerned, she didnt even flinch away. I touch her shoulder gently hoping to bring her back but instead she screams "no please no I'll be good this time, please" she backed away quickly, tears cascaded down her. Fuck, this was my doing.
"Hey I'm not going to hurt you Isabelle" I say in the softest tone I can muster. 
It was like she was in a trance though,  I dont even think she was aware of her surroundings or even who I was. All she knew was I was a person and in her mind I had come to hurt her.
I decided instead of calming her down I would let her cry, she was now crying against a wall so she couldnt go any further back so I took the risk and sat next to her, before she could move I pulled her into me. She cried even more, this time into my chest.

We must have been sat here for at least an hour now and her cries started to seise, I was now holding her securely, not too tight though as last time my protective grip hurt her.

She looks up at me, her face no longer buried in my chest. Her face stained with tears, her red eyes and her puffy cheeks made my dead heart clench with sadness.

This girl had gone through hell and back and I had been part of the problem, I had also hurt her.

"Hey, it's ok, you're safe ok" I whisper and she looks unsure " a..are g..gonna like th..them" she stutters probably due to fear and the crying.
"Never angel, I will protect you for eternity" I tell her.
I felt a strong need to protect this girl and keep her safe away from anyone.
Of course I didnt love her like it may seem but I did have some feeling towards her.
"But you already did" she says and again a wave of sadness passes through me. I figure its because of how I acted back there. "Henry told me he thought it was ben who had beat you, I got angry because if he had of told me sooner what he did to you might not have happened. I got way to angry and then you came out, at first I did act cold because of the audience  I couldnt be seen showing I care for you, then you didnt leave and I got angry for real and I'm sorry, I just dont want you to be apart of my world, you are too innocent for it" I explain hoping she would understand.  "I couldnt just stand there and let you kill him" she says and a sad smile appeared on my face. She really was too innocent, she doesnt belong here.

"I'm sorry for your shirt" she says and I look down to see it soaked in tears. I didnt care about the shirt though, I cared about how much she had been crying.
"Please tell me" I say and she nods. "Nick locked the door and it brought back memories of when they used to lock me in my room, also they once were nice, the ideal parents and then they turned, you have been nice for a psychotic criminal so far and then you turned, it scared me because you were turning into them" she says which made me feel unbearable sadness.
"I'm sorry angel, just know I will never lay a hand on you, I will not hurt you like they did. The most I will do is shout" i say but i don't think she believed me. There was definitely a look of uncertainty on her face, she was sceptical. "Just please dont challenge me again" i tell her and she nods fastly.
"How about we go get takeout" I suggest.
Meal times were odd for us, 5 out of 7 days our cook worked and today wasnt one of those days so we all ate at different times as during those 5 days we ate together.  Nick had suggested we get takeout earlier so I figured this would be a good chance for Isabelle to get out. "We were going to have takeout anyway so i figured you might want to come with me to get out of the house" I tell her and she agrees.
"Great, let me go change and then we will go see what the others want" I say standing up and offering out my hand, she takes it and I help her up. "W..will b..b..ben be th..there" she asks and just hearing his name made me go back into my murderous thoughts,  he will get a long slow painful death.
"No" I reply and she breaths a sigh of relief.
"Let's go" I say and lead her out of my office.

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