chapter 31

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Jack came back with her breakfast and once she began eating, I stepped out of the room to talk to jack. He kept looking at the closed door with concern just like I was.
"What did he do" jack asks, just thinking about it sent me down the spiral of murderous thoughts.
"Boss" he says and my attention is brought back to him. I then tell him what she told me. It seemed like he was having murderous thoughts too as his fists were clenched throughout "I'm gonna kill him" jack snarled. I had never seen him like this before, he stormed off,probably to the basement. I had to stop him, he would kill ben and I couldnt have that. I wanted ben to be tortured, he didn't deserve a quick death, no his death will be slow and painful.

I quickly caught up to jack before he could enter the basement. "Dont even think about it" I tell him and he looks at me with disgust "so you're just gonna lock him up for a few days then let him go" he says and I roll my eyes at his stupidness "no I want him to suffer a slow and painful death. What I have planned for him is pure torture" I say and jack grins "at least allow me to help" he says menacingly. "Of course, just dont kill him yet" I say and he nods "as you wish" he then dissapeard into the basement. Satisfied that ben isnt going to get a quick death I made my way back upstairs, instead of going to her room, i quickly go to mine and shower before changing into some different clothes.


John's pov

The school apparently had a electrical failure and I was put on the case. I didnt like being on thid case because Isabelle was in the school, she wasnt one of the victims we found alive so like the rest of the students that we didnt find alive she was presumed dead. Yes, I hated her. She was the reason my wife had a miscarriage. That day changed me probably for the worst. I had come home to my wife and my daughter, Isabelle was still fairly new to the family and we had done everything we could to make her fit in, she was a smart kid and I wanted her to do well in school, so I pushed her to show this. That day something was different, my wife came running up to me, she was crying hysterically, after calming her down she explained what was wrong. She had a miscarriage. At first I reassured her that it was common and lots of women have miscarriages, we could try again and if we dont have a child we always will have Isabelle. At the mention of her name she said the words that changed my opinion on the girl forever. "It was her fault, she caused me to much stress and that stress made me fall" she said. Those words made me hate the girl, she was the reason we couldnt have a child and I made sure she knew that everyday.
Nevertheless I didnt want her dead. She was still a kid and no matter what she did, I wanted her alive. I wanted her to do well in school.

That bitch is finally gone. I always hated her, my husband however loved her. He treated her like she was our daughter, she wasnt. She was just some girl we adopted. It was his idea to adopt and the only reason I agreed was to keep him happy and so I would have someone to make me food. The more time he spent with her, the more I knew I had to get rid of her and so when I finally got pregnant I was happy, we were having a child of our own, we could get rid of the girl. Then I had a miscarriage and that was just the beggining. Instead of seeing it as a bad thing i saw it as a opportunity. I blamed it on the girl and john was so pissed he treated her like the bitch she was. He was always hesitant though and I saw how much it pained him to hit her. I had to strp it up and so I forbid her from eating, I told her that john and I dont want her eating our food. John never knew about it until a few years after when he was so consumed with hatred that I had placed in him that he agreed.
She was still an innocent little girl and I made it my job to break that innocence so when the opportunity came I paid John's friends to rape her. John never knew and he can never find out because I know that no matter how much hate he has for her, if he were to find out, he would divorce me in seconds and gave me thrown in jail. Then all my secrets would come out. I keep so many from john, he thinks I'm a good person, well I'm not. I must have tried every drug known, I'd even admit to being addicted to drugs, I'm a heavy drinker and finally I'm in a massive debt to this stupid gang I bought drugs off.

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