chapter 2

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As I walked to hell which was commonly known as school, I began to think of a time before the accident. When life was at it's best. I had friends, family and was surrounded by love. It all changed when I was 9. The police came to our door and the babysitter answered, they told her our parents were involved in a hit and run. Jack and me were placed into care. We bounced around alot, most families loved me but hated jack so they sent us back. I didnt blame jack, he was still grieving just like me but in a different way. Two years later and I was 11, jack was 15. One night he came and told me he loved me but he had gotten into serious trouble. I begged him to let me help him but he refused and left that night. I havent seen him since.
"Mummy, Daddy. Jack fell over" a 7 year old girl said to her parents. The little boy who was 11 came running too. He had just fallen of the swing but he was fine. "I didnt hurt myself" he declared. The parents exchanged worried glances. They didnt know whether to believe him. "Let's get icecream " The girl shouted. The father chuckled at his daughter and picked her up "what my princess wants she shall get" he told her. The father/daughter bond they shared was inseparable.
End of flashback

"Watch where you're going whore"
I was pushed to the ground as I heard Joe sneer. I was back to reality which sucked. Joe was one of my main bullies. He hated me ever since I transferred here after John and veronica adopted me. At first they were nice, they treated me like their own daughter but things turned bad when veronica got pregnant and miscarried. I was blamed because caring for me had put veronica under stress. I felt so guilty at the time knowing I caused it.
"Are you listening to me whore" Joe spat. I nod in response even though I wasnt. He was about to punch me but hesitated, this was new, he never hesitates. I waited for his fist to collide with my body but the pain never came. I opened my eyes and looked up, he was gone.

School went by slow. I was glad this year was my last. I would move out next year and hopefully start my own life. A pain free life.
It was last period, history and our test results were given back. I got 75%. It wasnt good enough and I began to panic about what John would say. Veronica never cared about my education but John for some reason wanted me to have straight As meaning 100%. If he found out I would get a terrible beating.
A gun shot sound rang out bringing me back from my fears of punishment. A new fear consumed me. Why was there a gun shot. The class also panicked and the teacher was about to move a desk to the foor when it burst open. 5 large men walked in. Tattoos covered their arms. These were the type of men that john hung out with. At that thought a tear ran down my face, I couldnt help but remember the first time theh came round.
"I do love history" one man said waving his gun around. Whilst the others began tieing us up. "You know what I love about it" he asked no one in particular. I guess the answer would be something sick. "I make people history" he snarls and I shudder. At least if I die I won't have to see John and Sarah again, the pain and suffering can end.
"This is the last class sir" a man who was tieing us up informed the history man, who I guess was in charge. "Great, take them to the hall" the leader said and walked out.
We were all led out to the hall. Beth, the queen bee was stood in front trying to flirt her way out but was having no success. I laughed quietly at her failed desperate attempt. I almost felt sorry for these men. "What you laughing at bitch" I guess she heard me. "Nothing at all" I mumble sinking my head lower. "at least I'm trying to get out, mind you, you dont have a reason to live do you" she said obviously referencing to my brother and parents. Her father was the principal and when I enrolled my adoptive parents made sure to tell him my backstory which he then told her and she spread it round school.

Entering the hall, I see the whole school, teachers, students even the janitors were sat tied up. The leader man stood in the middle. 10 more men were placed around the room, all holding guns. We were then made to sit on the benches, Beth walked past me to sit next to her minions but before walking past she stopped "at least you will be able to reunite with your parents in a few hours" she walked away like nothing happened but I felt tears come to my eyes.

The leader began talking bout some debt the principle and governors owe him and because they couldnt pay he was here to settle up. I wasn't really paying attention, I couldnt stop thinking about my parents and what Beth said about them.
" ...None of you will be seeing your pathetic excuses of parents tonight" the leader snarled and shot a student who had tears streaming down her face. Fuck, I'm crying. I need to stop before he notices.
He looked at me, straight in the eyes and for a moment they didnt look so dead but only for a moment. He took long strides over to me and grab my hood pulling me up, I was now stood shaking in front of him. He was so tall and the way he killed scared me, no emotion what's so ever. "Are you scared of death sweetheart" he whispered in my ear. Was I? No I dont think I was.
"No sir" I reply, John made sure I knew to address people properly and if I forgot I was beaten.
"Not afraid to miss mummy and daddy then" he taunted pulling the gun close. "they are dead" might as well tell him, it's not like everyone else doesnt know. He lowered his gun at hearing this and pain crossed his face. Whispers were heard among everyone and that's when I realised, he was whispering but I was talking normally. Of course they heard. "Boss" one of the guards addressed the leader. His head snapped towards the guard "what is it" he asked. "Nick and Ben have found the account, they wired us everything, 10 million to be exact" the guard explained. If the school had 10 million, why were they in debt. It didn't make sense.
"Perfect, kill them" he said with hatred "what about her" the guard asked looking at me. "She's gonna be my new toy" he said with amusement. Toy. Fuck no. The word triggered memories that I wanted to keep buried.

John had bring his friends over, he told me to bring them all beers. I wasnt expecting it. John had to go to work but his friends still drank and drank, they soon began smashing bottles on me. "Our little toy" one slurred. "Our fucking whore" another said. "Our slutty toy whore" the third said. They were all drunk and what they did next was so horrible. I felt their hands touching me for hours, there mouths on me. I felt them in me, I heard my cries of pain, screams for help. Why wasnt anyone here john and sarah were bad but not this bad.

I woke up to find myself in the back seat of a car. 2 men were sat next to me and 2 were in the front. I noticed the passenger in the front was the leader and he looked annoyed. I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep not wanting to talk and most importantly not wanting to know what they were gonna do with me. "Dude why didnt you just kill her" a man in the back seat asked. "Shut the fuck up" the leader shouted, clearly angry. "But did you see her, she had a breakdown" he said. "Personally it looked like a panic attack" another voice spoke. "Yeah then why wasnt she having a panic attack when we first went in, or when we shot that girl " the other backseat passenger said. I don't even know what they are talking about, I didn't remember anything. "Everyone shut up, she is mine and if any of you fucking try something I will put a bullet through you" the leader shouted causing everyone to shut up. I pretended to wake up just the same way as before.
"Finally awake then" the leader said looking at me. "Y..yes s..sir" I couldnt help stutter in response. "Shes pathetic boss, we could just kill her now and bury her body in one of these fields" one ot the men who was sat next to me snarled in disgust. "At least unlike you she shows the boss some respect" the driver said looking at the guy with hatred. He then looked at me through the mirror "dont mind them two, they get a little like this sometimes, so does the boss, he can be so grumpy, I'm nick." I was about to tell him my name when the leader spoke "stop the chit chat and just drive"

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