Chapter 62

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I got that Jack just wanted to look out for his sister however he was really starting to piss me off. She can wear whatever she wants, I saw nothing wrong with her outfit apart from how good she looked. Obviously it wasn't exactly a problem, it was just she would be surrounded by guys, guys who weren't criminals and probably end up treating her better then me. I don't even know what we had going on between us but I didn't want her to get with anyone else. God I was selfish.

I was extremely nervous as I walked to my first class. I just hope this school is better than my last. Everything seemed  so different and definitely much more relaxed but I hated the anxious feeling as I stepped into my first class. Maths.

After the boring introductions I got told to find a seat. The only one available was next to a guy, he wore glasses and had messy brown hair. I decided to try make friends "hi I'm Isabelle" I introduce. He glances at me and smiled "I'm will" he introduced and I smiled. This place will be different I'm sure of it.

The rest of the day was spent doing boring classes, I had learnt most of the information I was given before so everything was fairly easy. I made friends with Will and a girl from my English class, Martha.

Finally the last bell rang and the 3 of us left together.
Before I could even get down the steps in front of the school, a guy from the football team appeared. "So do you want to go out with me on Saturday" he asked. Martha had already told me the biggest players in school and he was one of them. "No thanks" I say trying to get past him. "Why not, it will be fun, we could have so much fun" he said with a wink. Ew. "Sorry I have someone" yeah I don't think I actually did but I really didn't want to go out with him. "How, you have only been here a day" he asked. Before I could say anything back, Alex appeared next to me.
"Who are your friends Isabelle" he asked warmly but I couldn't help question how he said it. He called me Isabelle, he never calls me Isabelle. Why didn't he call me angel?
"This is Will and Martha" I introduce. Both will and Martha say hello which Alex returns. "I suppose you're the someone" the guy, Peter says looking at Alex with annoyance. Alex looked down at me with curiousity. Shit. This was bad. Alex already seems annoyed at me now he will probably be more annoyed. We weren't together so it was definitely wrong of me to suggest we were. "Yep I'm the someone" Alex says but I can tell he's confused and just going along with it.
"I'll see you tommorow" I say to Martha and Will and quickly leave. God, this is embarrassing.

"Do you want to talk about it" he asks as we finally were in the car.
"He asked me out, I said no, he wouldn't leave it so I said I had someone" I say deciding it would be better to be straight forward. He turned to me and I could feel his eyes trained on me even when I looked away. "I'm glad Angel" so was he annoyed? "You called me my name before" I point out and he nods "I didn't know if you wanted to be called angel in front of others"  he said. Oh. "Of course, I already told you I like it" I reassure him. He smiles, but it was obvious it wasn't a full smile "yeah but I didn't want it to seem like we were together and ruin your chances with a guy you liked" he continued making me realize he was quite insecure. "But you're the guy I like" I reassure and he looks at me in disbelief. "Are you sure because you know I'm not stopping you from getting with a normal non criminal guy, someone who's work won't put you in danger, just someone who isn't me" he said but I didn't miss the way tears gathered in his eyes. "I feel safer with you then I do with the police. They are suppose to be complete opposite from you but yet you have more respect for me then anyone I've ever met. Criminal or not I choose you" I tell him however he doesn't look entirely convinced. "Are you sure because I'm really not forcing you to do anything" I nod "I'm sure Alex" a look of relief passes his face.
"Look Isabelle I'm not perfect, I'm a mess however I can guarantee I will never hurt you. I will respect you, I will support you and I will always make sure you know how much you're worth. I can't guarantee we will never argue because we will, we will have our disagreements,  we will get annoyed with each other but I will never let you go to sleep at night thinking the worst. I know this might seem strange but please, let's try make this work" he said and after his speech I felt tears gather in my eyes

"I think we should try" 

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