chapter 48

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"Veronica she...she" I couldn't bring myself to say it. He would hate me if he knew. I couldnt tell him. "I'm fine, its nothing" I try to reassure him. If he new he would always look at me different,  I didnt want to be seen as broken even though I was currently crying so much it hurt. I had to be better, I had to stop being weak but I felt so broken. I couldnt show hom though. It had been 2 days since, at first I thought I could handle it but I was wrong. Every time one of the guys got near me I flinged and had an internal panic attack. I couldnt even sleep next to Alex without having a breakdown so I told him I'd be fine when he suggested he'd lie next to me while I slept.

I waited for her to tell me. I wanted to help her, whatever it was I'd make the pain go away. She was my angel, nothing was ever going to change that. "I'm fine, its nothing" she said, she was hiding her pain from me but I could see how bad she was hurting.  "Please tell me angel, I promise to remain calm" I say, hoping she wasnt telling me because she didnt want to see me angry and not because she didnt trust me.  "I cant" she whispered and I hated this feeling, the feeling of not being able to do anything.  "Why not" I ask. "Because you will hate me or pity me. I dont want either" she told me. Fuck. "I dont do pity and I could never hate you. No matter what happened,  you will be my angel" I tell her, she seemed to think about it but eventually she shook her head "I cant" I nod in understanding, she will hopefully tell me when shes ready. "Then how about we go downstairs and I'll make you some hot chocolate" I say which she responds to by nodding.

We went downstairs and to the kitchen "do you need help" she asks. "No just take a seat" I tell her. I didnt want her to even lift a finger.i begin making the hot chocolate and as i placed the hot chocolate in front of her Henry and Nick walk in, arguing as usual. I really dont get why they dont like each other.  "Hey boss can you tell nick hes wrong, he will only listen to you" henry says. I roll my eyes at the childish behaviour. "I'm right though" nick says. Then they start bickering quietly as they both pour coffees. God knows what they are arguing about. I focus my attention back to Isabelle who is messing with her mothers necklace. "Sometimes I wonder if they knew they were going to be kilmed, they gave us the necklaces right before they went out" she quietly said to me. I thought about it, jack had told me similar and I couldn't help wonder if it really was a car crash that killed them. Or if they were even dead at all? However there was a funeral for them both so it was not possible that they were still alive.
"They would be proud of you" I te her and she gives me a sad smile "I hope so"

The day past quickly after that. She hadnt cried since but I saw how broken she was, her smile was fake, she wanted to be happy for us but I wanted her to open up, sadly I knew pressuring her to open up wouldnt work. Everything had to be at her pace.

Now I was sat in my office going over paperwork. I had to distract myself from worrying about her and my murderous thoughts, if that was even possible. I started to think back to the school incident. I could have killed her, I hated thinking that but it was true. I killed the girl before her without hesitation,  what if that girl had been her. I would have killed my angel before I even got to know her.
"Boss" I look up and see nick entering. Honestly I swear these guys need constant babysitting.  "What" I ask, not in the mood to end another petty argument. "The vipers just attacked one of the warehouses" he said. Fuck. The vipers were small gang, nothing I couldnt handle. "Which one, what's the damage" I ask getting up from my seat. Thry had been getting a little to cocky in the last few weeks, it's about time I put an end to it. "No damage, the weapon one. Our guys managed to stop them quite easily, only casualties are theirs, most are in lock up now" he explained and I nod, they were locked up, they weren't going anywhere. "Fine, we will go down and question them tommorow"  I tell him. "You sure, I mean it might be good to take your anger out" he said. He was right about that, I was still extremely angry but I didnt want to leave Isabelle.  "Fine let's go, go tell Henry that I want him to check on izzy every hour or so." I say after debating whether or not to go. I decided in the end that I should as I wasnt going to be seeing izzy again tonight.

We arrived an hour later at the lockup and all my men got out of the way, they avoided me like the plague when they saw me. They knew I was pissed and I wasn't going to go easy on these guys. Most of my anger was for everyone who hurt Isabelle but I couldnt show she effected me as much as she actually did.

"So who wants to go first" I ask all of thrm who we captured. There was 10 in total, non seemed to be of high rank, this should be easy, lower ranks always talk first. I grab my knifes and nick grabs one of the closet men. "Please no" he begs but instead of listening to him, nick chains him to the wall. " I swear I'll tell you anything just dont hurt me" he said in panic. After he said this there was a few "no" and "shut up" from the others which I laughed at. "Tell me everything you know" I say, dragging the knife across his body, enough to rip his shirt but not pierce his skin. He then started rambling about the gang and the people in it, how this attack was just to get our attention. There was nothing that I didnt already know or suspect. "You have been most helpful" I say and nod for nick to release him, he quickly does and locks him back up, bringing another man and tieing him up. They would all be killed after I have finished with them, the ones who font talk will be tortured, the ones who do will die quickly. "I'm not telling you anything" he snarled, I didnt like his tone so I stuck a knife in his hand. He hissed in pain. "Oh I think you will" I say but he shakes his head, I respond by putting another knife in his hand. "I can do this all night" i say grabbing some large daggers. "Fuck you" he spat. I admired his persistence,  I would expect all my men to not give any information to the enemy, even if they are tortured. I hated when the enemy did it. I hated when they thought they could talk shit. My men were taught never to talk during torture, to stay silent, no insults, no information.  I dug the knife in his leg and ran it down to his feet. He screamed in pain but I didnt care. I carried on with the torture, all he did was insult me.  He was screaming in pain now and had been for 5 minutes,  I had stopped to admire my work. Fuck. I was messed up. "I'm suprised you're here torturing me, when you should be with your new fuck toy" he managed to get out. Fuck toy? I dont have one. Clearly he had been told bad information.  "You're misinformed, I dont have one" I tell him and he begins to laugh. "My bad, your angel" fuck. Isabelle. Nick got his phone out "I'm calling henry" he said and I nod. I was angry now. Why did he say I should be with her, how the fuck does he know about her. I lost it and begin the torture further. "How do you know about her" I shout but hes quiet. I dont know how long I was cutting him open for but nick pulled me away, I blinked and looked at the lifeless body before me. I was ready to torture every last one of them for information but I had to know if she was safe first. I look to nick for a answer. "Shes safe, henry went straight to her room to check on her. Shes asleep. Hes going to stay the night with her or until you get back" i was relieved to know this but i hated the idea of her and henry in the same bed. She wouldnt let me but she would let him. Why. "Hes sleeping on the floor"  nick then said which i smiled about. Thank god. No one deserves to sleep next to my angel. Damn. I was becoming way to attached to her, way to possessive.  "Maybe you should go home, I can get the information out of them" nick suggested. I was undecided, I wanted to be with Isabelle so she was safe but I wanted to torture these fuckers till I got my answers. In the end I chose to torture them. She had henry, she didnt need me as well. "I think I'll stay,  and find out what they know"
Nick sighs, clearly not happy with my decision but goes and gets another man. He was shaking from fear and it brought a smile to my face. I was glad he feared me. "Tell me what do you know" I say and kick him to the floor. "Boss wants her as his girl " he said quickly. Well that was easy. "Why" I ask. "I dont know, shes hot I guess, he wants kids" he said in panic. Kids? Isabelle wasn't giving anyone kids. Not without me saying so. Ok that sounded bad, I knew though i didnt want her starting a family and leaving me. I wasnt going to loose her, not to a guy in his 30s. "What are his plans" he is silent so I give him another swift kick. "I dont know, I know that he doesnt plan to kidnap her. I think he plans to accidentally run into her and get to know her" he said. I pause to think, If only I had gotten to know her like that. Maybe I would stand a chance being with her. "He plans to fuck her even if it's not consensual" he continued. Fuck no. I will hunt down their boss and kill him with my bare hands for even wanting to do to that. I was beyond d angry now, how dare he. My little angel was not going to be his. "I'm going home, finish of here" I say not wanting to risk being away from here. I wanted to hold her in my arms. I wouldnt let anyone harm her, I failed a few days ago but no chance I'm letting her go again. This fucker thinks he can rape her, well hes going to have to face me first. I will not let it happen.  I will fucking kill anyone who even tries to touch her like that.

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