chapter 3

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I couldnt kill her. I tried, I tried so hard but I couldnt. She was a innocent angel and i was the devil, I wanted to keep her. She was beutiful and the cinical part of me wanted to take her right there and be done with her. My men weren't happy I chose her.


"Boss, that school keeps dodging us, they owe 10 million and they still havent paid" ben informed me. He was one of my closest friends but could be annoying at times. I didn't want to go kill an entire school, that would just have the police after us however this school owed us so much money and they hadnt paid it of in months. I gave them an extension twice but they never listened. They obviously didnt respect me. The principal was the one to suggest to the governors that they borrow money from me and they were relectunant but agreed. If they wouldnt give the money back I would take it by force.
"Ok, get everyone together with weapons we are taking the money by force"

Our first plan was to wait till the students had finished the day and left then we would get the money and kill the principal. Then plans changed because I realized he deserved a more serious punishment. I would make him watch me and my men kill his students.

We had gotten everyone in the building tied up in a room. I looked around and saw all their frightened faces, it brought joy to me knowing they feared me. I explained to them all why I was here and what their principal had done, some even gave hateful looks to their principal which I couldnt help but smirk.
"None of you will be seeing your pathetic excuses of parents tonight" I tell them and out of the corner of my eye I see a girl crying. I hate people crying, I find it weak and pathetic. I take my gun and shoot, not caring at all. Then I turn and see another girl, tears down her eyes. She looked scared and for some reason I didnt like it. I grabbed her by her hoodie and pulled her to the front. "Are you scared of death sweetheart" I ask, she thought for a moment before answering. "No sir" this intrigued me, everyone always begged for their life but no her. "Not afraid to miss mummy and daddy then" I taunted pulling my gun close and preparing to shoot. Her answer would be the last thing she ever said. "They're dead" she said quietly. This shocked me and I lowered the gun. The pain of remembering my own parents death resonated in my mind and my grip loosened on the girl. "Boss" a guard said knocking me from my thoughts. I turned to him "what is it" I asked.
"Nick and Ben have found the account, they wired us everything, 10 million to be exact" the guard explained. I was pleased on hearing this. "Perfect, kill them" I say wanting to get back. "what about her" the guard asks looking at the girl I had a loose grip of. I looked down at her, she was different and still held a look of innocence. The dark sinicle part of me crept up and wanted to break that innocence but I buried it back down. "Shes gonna be my new toy" I announce, amused at her initial reaction, she was scared. Good. She should be.
My enjoyment didnt last long and she began to panic. Her breathing got heavy, I didn't want to comfort her as it might seem like I care so instead I let her go, maybe if she was out of my arms she would calm down. I was wrong. It just got worse and within minutes she had passed out. Fuck. "Just make sure they are all dead then erase the footage and burn down this place, make it look like there was a fire, electrics failed or something and everyone died in it" I order and pick up the girl. She was so light it was unbelievable. Had whoever she lives with not been feeding her. Then it dawned on me. What if they hadnt, she doesnt fear death, she is skinny as hell, they had to be mistreating her. I knew from experience how bad it could be and I knew I couldnt let it happen to her.

All that brought me to the current moment. Nick was driving, Ben and Henry were in the back with the girl. Both ben and henry wouldnt stop complaining about her, and it was getting annoying.

"Dude why didnt you just kill her" henry asked, this got me angry. How dare he question my decisions. "Shut the fuck up" I shout but stupidly he carried on. "But did you see her, she had a breakdown" he said. "Personally it looked like a panic attack" Nick jumped in. This resulted in Ben contributing to this pointless conversation. "Yeah then why wasnt she having a panic attack when we first went in, or when we shot that girl " By this point I had enough of them all. No matter what they said, I wasnt gonna kill her.
"Everyone shut up, she is mine and if any of you fucking try something I will put a bullet through you"
Soon after I shouted this, I noticed the girl had woken up. She looked terrified. "Finally awake then" I commented
"Y..yes s..sir" she stuttered in response which I found amusing.
"Shes pathetic boss, we could just kill her now and bury her body in one of these fields" henry said glaring at her. If he continued I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through him.
"At least unlike you she shows the boss some respect" Nick said looking at henry through the mirror. Both nick and henry never really got along, they only were civil with each other because they both were high ranked in the gang. Nick was second, Ben fourth and Henry was fifth.
"dont mind them two, they get a little like this sometimes, so does the boss, he can be so grumpy, I'm nick." Nick introduced himself to the girl, like a person would when meeting friends. Like wtf, I didnt take her to become our friend.
"stop the chit chat and just drive" I told him which he immediately did.

We were about an hour away from my house and no one had spoken since. The girl kept her eye on the surroundings and any sudden movement that was made. She definitely made me curious. "So what's your name" I ask her knowing I couldnt keep calling her the girl.
"I..I..Isabelle s..sir" she replied.
"How old are you" I ask.
"and when do you turn 18" I ask but soon regret it as I notice a tear fall down her cheek. "Two weeks, sir" she replies without the stutter. Obviously she was too upset to be afraid.

"Ok, we will talk more when we get back"

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