chapter 36

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Anonymous pov
I was doing my own investigation into the school, something didnt quite add up, there was definitely foul play. I heard there was survivors so I hacked the system in order to find out who. I had hope, when I looked at the list I felt my breathing stop. She was not on the list. She was probably dead and it pained me to think that. In that moment I swore to myself I would kill the bastards who killed her because I really didnt believe it was an electrical failure, it seemed like it was a hit on the school. They were back.

Isabelle had grown on me, at first I saw her as a weak annoying brat who we should kill but the more time I'm around her the more  I realize how wrong I was. Unlike before, now I would give my life for her, she was like a sister I never had. I was also impressed with how she would stand up to alex, no one else dared to not me, not even nick or raegan. The day she stepped in front of me to take the hit, I saw something in her, she was brave and even though we didnt get along she still stood in front of me protecting me from alex. I think alex was impressed too but he never showed it, instead he was harsh with her and had nick take her away.
I never really got along with nick, i only tolerate him because of work and  because our friend group is the same. The reason for not liking him is because he does whatever Alex tells him and doesnt show emotion or an opinion, that's also why he dislikes me because I always make it known when I  dislike the job. Take the school for example, when going in I said that there was alot of innocents, nick shut me up and told me to do my job. After incident, I wasnt very happy with how alex had everyone killed and when I asked nick in private if he was ok with what happened all he said was that it was a job that needed to be done. Which was utter bs, those kids didnt deserve it.

We got a call earlier about a gun shipment not arriving so me and nick joined some others down at the dock to see what had happened.  We never spoke much only if it was related to the job. Then minutes later all hell  broke loose. Guns were being fired at us and our guys quickly retaliated by shooting back, I quickly got my gun out and assessed the situation.  We were out numbered by alot. The only way we were going to survive this was if we got out of here. Nick however thought different and went in to join the fight, this pissed me off and I rolled my eyes before joining too. I always had my partners back even if it was nick. As we killed them, more came and we soon would be out of ammo. My phone began to ring. Ffs. I answered quickly but was still on full alert to my surroundings. It was Alex, after explaining the situation he told us to get out of there, a man pointed his gun at me but I was too quick and shot him as well as several others. I look too nick who's fighting with several guys, he must be out of ammo, I quickly shoot all of them, freeing nick from the fight. I turn my attention back to the phone call and tell alex that we would stay at the gang house tonight and hung up. My reason  for staying there was because it was more safe and I didn't want any of them tracking us down to our home.

"Nick come on, boss ordered us to leave" I shout so he could hear me over the gun fire. He looks hesitant do I continue "we are almost out of ammo, more guys keep coming we need to leave now also I'm not about to defy an order from boss" I tell him, the first bit didnt seem to bother him but just as expected when I mentioned defying an order he nodded and we both ran to the exit, some were chasing after us but I quickly shot them and we both picked up there guns as we were now out of ammo. More chased and we shot more.
"Fuck" nick shouted and I look over to see him with a bleeding shoulder,  he had been shot. He shot his attacker back quickly but another one took his shoulder as a sign of weakness and shot his leg. Shit. I took control of the situation and began to shoot more aggressively, I already had my own people to shoot but I could let nick get shot further. Nick collapsed on the ground, he carried on shooting but his aim wasnt as good, I snatch his gun off him and begin shooting his guys and mine with both guns in different arms. Soon they were dead but then out of nowhere something is thrown at us, I look and realise it was a grenade. We had a few seconds, I grabbed two bodies that were also by my feet and threw them on top of the grenade. It went off as soon as they were on top, I ran to nick, standing over him to shield him from the blast. Luckily the grenade was blocked by the 2 men on top of it and the blast wasnt as severe. Not wasting any time I help nick up, I put his good arm around my shoulder for support and then make my way out of the docks, shooting the odd guy.

We make it to the car which was a few blocks away and hidden, we did this on purpose do it woildnt be spotted, on jobs we never park our cars at the scene in case its tracked or worse, it's only ever parked on scene if it's an emergency,  we also usually leave someone running the car if we need to make a quick get away. I was thankful this was one of the times it wasnt parked on scene because no doubt they would have done something to the car. Still wanting to be cautious, once I got nick in the car I checked for any damage or bugs that had been placed, luckily nothing and so I got in and drove fast to the gang house. Nick was losing alot of blood and I couldnt have him dying on me. I decided now would be a good time to call alex because when we got to the gang house my main priority would be getting nick sorted.

I call him on the hands free device and he picks up on the second ring.
"Are you both ok" he asks which suprised me as I thought he was going to say who were they.
"No, I'm ok but nick was shot twice shoulder and leg, we honestly had no chance the more we shot, the more they came. They even had the audacity to throw a grenade at us, i was super panicking because nick couldnt run and so I chucked some dead bodies on top. They were definitely pro and I think it would be wise to double security" I explain. "Fuck, ok get nick to the infirmary section as quick as possible. I agree, security will be doubled and I want a background check on all members,  only a few knew about this shipment" he says. "Yeah, maybe ben wasnt our mole" I suggest and I hear a bang,  I think he just punched something "I will be doing the checks, no one not even you is beyond suspicion as of now we are on high alert" he says "yes boss" I wasnt really bothered about him thinking it would be me. I know it's not but everyone needs to be checked, it also means I have less work. "And henry, good job" he says and then ends the call.  I was pleased knowing he thought I did s good job. I look over to nick who looks in so much pain that it makes me drive faster.

Soon we reach the gang house and I quickly pull him out and head to the infirmary section with him. After placing him on the bed, a doctor comes straight away and then I  realize there was nothing more I can do. So i leave and go back to my old room, i was determined on finding out who those people were.

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