chapter 59

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I was still processing this.  The fact my dad was alive, that we were stood next to each other, he was here.  Of course I was angry with him for leaving but I understood,  I did the same thing he did. I left.

"So daniel, where have you been all these years" Alex walked in, looking a mix between emotionless and fuming.  Dad didnt seemed phased by Alex which I found unwise, Alex wasnt the type of person to brush off. It was like asking for a death wish and I put my guard up incase Alex decided to try kill him, I had to be prepared to stop him.
Alex was unpredictable,  when he was angry he acted without thinking.  One mistake and that could be it. I do have to admit he has got alot more self restraint since Isabelle.

Dad began telling Alex the same thing he told us. At the ending when dad mentioned the school I saw a look of guilt in Alex's eyes. Everyone knee he regretted that day and he was thankful that alot survived. I wasnt sure how but I was glad they did.

"It must run in the family" Alex said, we waited for him to continue because he wasnt pleased and interrupting him would be a mistake. "First daniel, you leave her and then Jack. I get that you were in danger Daniel but leaving your kids was the only anwser you could think of. You both fucked up in Isabelles life, you fucking destroyed her childhood.  You should both be ashamed of yourselves" by the end he was shouting and it was like he was radiating waves of anger. "Of course it wasnt the only anwser, like I said we did everything but that wasnt enough.     My wife and I did what we had to for our kids, we sacrificed everything for them. You think I willingly left my children,  you're wrong. I rather have my children living a new life with a new family then being responsible for their deaths" Dad shot back.  After Dad spoke I started to understand further as to why he did it.
Alex seemed to understand as his anger slowly disappeared.  "You fucked up, you both did" he mumbled and the guilt of leaving her came back. I was a shit brother.

"Now I want to know why you left Isabelle" Dad asked me with a glare. He wasnt happy at all.  I was screwed and I knew I deserved it. Dad left for a good reason, compared to mine although similar his was more valid. I should have stayed and fought, I should have ran away with her. I was about to explain the story when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in" Alex called. Henry walked in looking like he was walking to his death. Something must have happened.  "So cops are here" he whispered and I got why he was afraid. Alex picked up a gun and stormed out. "I swear if its them I'm going to cut them into tiny pieces and feed them to each other. I will fucking burn their eyes out one by one" he shouted as he made his way downstairs.  Fuck. This wasnt good. Dad looked confused so I quickly filled him in "izzy adopted parents were abusive the dad was a cop" I thought maybe Dad would be calm, maybe even prevent Alex but no he was just as bad. "I'll fucking kill them" he shouted a murderous look in his eyes. I guess it was up to me to stop this. Dont get me wrong I wanted them dead, just not when Isabelle was here and i didnt want him pointing a gun on a random cop. That would create so many problems. 
I quickly chased after them and stood in front of the door just before Alex could open it. "Move" he demanded but I didnt listen. "Isabelle is here" I state and luckily my dad snaps out of the rage and backs off. I guess he figured he didnt want to ruin his chance with Isabelle.
"Hes right Alex, stop this" dad now joined me in front of the door. We were all that was in the way of Alex shooting whoever was behind the door. "Fucking move before I kill you both" alex wasnt fucking about and I hesitated for a moment but it vanished shortly after.

Alex got even more angry and I knew Henry, Nick or Raegan was probably keeping Isabelle away from this all. Right now I believed she was the only one to calm him. 

Luckily Dad was now on my side as he took a different approach.  "Put the gun away, answer the door, if it's not them you dont want to be pulling a gun on them but if it is go ahead we wont stop you, in fact I will help you" the compromise seemed to work as Alex reluctantly put his gun in his waist band and pulled his top over it so it was out of site. We stood aside and Alex opened it grumbling about torturing them.
Thankfully it wasnt them but just looking at them I knew there was going to be trouble. "Hello officers hope can I help you" Alex smiled and greeting that. I was often amazed at how well his attitude changed with different people. "We are here because a missing girl from the school fire was reported to be seen with quite a few members of this household" the officer stated. Alex looked annoyed and nodded "that's right officer, the girl, Isabelle she lives here. Thankfully she survived, such a relief" alex was trying but it was funny to watch, simply because he was the one he ordered the attack. "Great well I need to see and speak to her. Her foster dad mentioned she was staying with friends when we spoke to him about her being seen. But we still need to question her about the attack and see if she knows anything"  the officer explained and the look on Alex's phase showed he wanted nothing more than to shoot the officers.

At first I was ready to torture the cops at my door but after being talked down  by daniel and Jack I put my gun away and opened the door. After seeing it wasnt them i was grateful I listened however after they spoke nd explained why they were here I just wanted to kill them.
I couldnt refuse or it would look suspicious and because the case was still active I had to be careful about the stuff i do. "Of course why don't you both come in"  anyone could tell that my welcoming voice was fake.  They both nodded and as I showed them in I saw Nick watching. "Where is Isabelle" I ask him and he looks the cops over before speaking "movie with Henry and Rae" he said and I felt the jealousy creep back up. I shouldnt be but I am. Of course I would never stop her watching a movie with them or anything just because I didnt like it.  I just wanted to be there too.
"Go bring her down" I tell him, he looks uncertain but nods and heads upstairs. 

I led the police into the living room and being the kind and welcoming man I am, I offered them a drink, they declined which i was relieved about. I wanted them out not to drink coffee with them.

I was a little anxious at how this would turn out, I couldnt exactly do anything, it was all up to Isabelle now. 

So I just wanted to leave a quick note, reread a few chapters and i realized i left so many spelling errors, probably because i write alot around 2am/3am and publish straight away, anyway the spelling is awful and honestly suprised you guys still read it but once I've finished this book I will fix them all.
And finally if you havent figured the anonymous Pov which has been in a few chapters,  well the anonymous person was Daniel. Hes now an official character.

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