New Student

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  I pick up Greg Monday night, and he was practically bouncing off the walls. "Jake's aunt came today and she brought some baby Drakes, they looked funny." I nod my head knowing that was the point to show the kids something they hadn't seen before in the hopes of letting the woman check on the new child. Greg then says, "Locklan said he'd seen them before he had moved here. He said he doesn't like them," I tilt my head in Greg's direction as I drive through town. "Did he now? Did he tell you guys where he lived before?" Greg shakes his head, "no he didn't. He just said he didn't like them and didn't want to come over and touch them."

I nod my head, from what Dang said if the child was wearing a blood charm he wouldn't want to get near the hatchlings. As they would get upset over it, that would be interesting. Greg looks at me with a serious look on his face. "I was told to let you know that she said yes. Is something going on Nancy?" I sigh and shake my head, "all I can tell you right now Greg is to keep an eye open. There is something going on, Locklan isn't directly the problem here. It is most likely that he is a victim, and will need help when everything is done."

Greg gets a far away look for a moment as if he is thinking internally, most likely he is talking to Zipper. He then says, "is this something I should ask Dang about?" I give Greg a sideways look, "you can, but I do not know how much he will tell you. What does Zipper think?"

Greg ponders a moment as if trying to put something he didn't understand to words, "he said he thinks Locklan is missing a part of himself. Does that mean he is a shifter?" I shake my head, "no but in this case that would be close." I pull the truck over to the side of the dirt road we were on, "listen Greg I need you to promise something for now. Anytime you are around Locklan or his family you need to be careful about how you act towards Gale." I see Greg's face go angry suddenly then calm down, and he nods his head. "Zipper said it's important, so I will try," I nod my head and go back to driving. That is all that I asked of him, I really do hope he can manage it though. However I have a feeling that his other half will be keeping a lid on things seeing as how he got the warning.

I pull into the yard, and Greg says. "Hey can I try cooking tonight?" I nod my head, and he jumps up and heads off to the remains of the herb garden. Greg had asked for chicken breasts for dinner so my guess is he wants to try cooking them himself now. There are worse things than a five year old wanting to cook, granted based on how standard shifters are half of him is closer to twenty years old. That is if we are calculating feline age.

Dang appears on the stoop, "You might wish to know that the boy is going to pelt you with questions. Zipper seems to have caught the warning I gave to him though." The cat nods it's head and gives me a look. Yes the boy is a sorcerer, and isn't bound by magic. So that means he was kidnapped as a baby, he probably does not know he can have magic without blood magic. I shake my head, that child really needs rescuing, before his familiar fades away. I had done some reading, if the pair doesn't bond within a certain time frame the familiar will simply cease to exist.

It's funny, shifters have two separate souls in one body. While magic users have connected souls in separate bodies, the familiar is technically part of the magic user's soul. When they reach an age that their magic starts developing a piece of their soul splits off. This enables them to retain their sanity while handling the energies that the different magic users use. The thought is that one of the older elder Gods set this up after discovering that humans could not handle magic energies and retain their sanity.

Similar to how half the fairy half breeds go crazy, when the main mental asylums closed down, the government kept a batch just for half fairies. I had a word with Simon about it after I learned about Divante, he has been in contact with one of the asylums. With a warning that if we can't fix the girl in about two years the government will need to step in. Normally they keep an eye out for such children. They do have a test for single parents that suddenly have children. This enables the children to at least have some semblance of a normal childhood before their mind starts to fracture.

Dang follows me inside the house, I think the 'family' is unaware of what the shifters are doing. From what we can tell. They cannot figure out who is human and who is shifter. They must have not much experience with country folk, seeing as how the young shifters don't go around in gangs touting their shifter type. I nod my head, if they tried that here Mrs Smaten would tan their hides. Followed by her husband then their parents would find out. The plus side to this is they won't know they are being watched and as long as Seamus' vampire friend doesn't try to help no one will know.

Greg walks into the house with a basketful of fresh herbs from the garden beds and the greenhouse along with some salad greens. He gives Dang a look which Dang returns, "is there anything you should be telling me?" Dang shakes his head, no child. In this case it is best handled by those older than you, even Zipper shouldn't have all these details yet. I see Greg's hand clench as he controls his temper, I have to hand it to the kid. He has better anger management than some adults I have seen.

Greg goes to the kitchen counter setting the basket on it and pulling a step stool over so he can start working on the food. "Nancy can you light the grill outside? I know you would prefer I didn't." I nod my head thinking. They might want to say something not meant for my ears. So I grab my matches and head out to my shop made wood grill. I have small pieces of wood I use to burn in it unless I am roasting something large.

Seamus speaks to me as I start placing wood in the burner. How did it go at the school today? I mentally shrug as I arrange the pile of wood pieces. Well it doesn't seem the child knows anything about Greg yet, and I am still keeping his type a secret as to many knowing that his shifter type is what it is. Well I am sure the magic users will be besides themselves. I can mentally hear Seamus mulling that over as I select a few pieces of knotty walnut for a long burn and set it in the center.

Worse that he is a luck born with that shifter type, do you think he will need training? I mentally shake my head as I watch the flame start. From what I have seen, the power is on Zipper's side not the 'Greg' side. Then there is all the reading I've been doing on familiars, it's an innate ability for them. I look back to the house hoping things involving these kids doesn't go south. I think because she is going to be unstable he needed to be one, but since the appearance of this other child I wonder if he could do the same for any?

I could feel Seamus thinking it over, I'll poke around and ask your uncle. He might know something. I mentally nod my head as I watch the fire, waiting for it to get going well. I look back at the house muttering, "if I'm right this got even more interesting."

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